Atkins diet: use, benefits, and precautions. What is Atkins diet and how it works.

Diet Programs

Atkins Diet / Low Carbs Diet

Atkins Diet: Benefits, Diet Program, and Side Effects

Complete Guide to Atkins Diet / Low Carbs Diet

What science says about Atkins Diet / Low Carbs Diet

Check out what experts have to say

The Atkins diet brings lot of controversies among medical and healthcare experts. On one end, many nutritional experts believe that this diet is a great solution for weight loss, as well as it can help in treating several medical conditions including heart diseases, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s, among many others. However, some medical experts have serious

Views against

Dr. Eric Berg raises concerns about the Atkins diet. According to him,

The Problems with the Atkins Diet (high protein)

- Ebbeling, C. B., Feldman, H. A., Klein, G. L., Wong, J. M., Bielak, L., Steltz, S. K., . . . Ludwig, D. S. (2018). Effects of a low carbohydrate diet on energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance: Randomized trial. Bmj. doi:10.1136/bmj.k4583

- Samaha, F., Igbal, N., Chicano, K., Daily, D., McGrory, J., Williams, T., . . . Stern, L. (2003). A low-carbohydrate as compared with a low-fat diet in severe obesity. The New England Journal of Medicine,348(2), 2074-2081.

- Jenkins, D., Wong, J., Kendall, C., Esfahani, A., Ng, V., Leong, T., . . . Singer, W. (2009). The effect of a plant-based low-carbohydrate ("Eco-Atkins") diet on body weight and blood lipid concentrations in hyperlipidemic subjects. Archives of Internal Medecine,169(11), 1046-1054.

- Ballard, K. D., Quann, E. E., Kupchak, B. R., Volk, B. M., Kawiecki, D. M., Fernandez, M. L., . . . Volek, J. S. (2013). Dietary carbohydrate restriction improves insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, microvascular function, and cellular adhesion markers in individuals taking statins. Nutrition Research,33(11), 905-912. doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2013.07.022

- Veldhorst, M. A., Westerterp, K. R., Anneke J. A. H. Van Vught, & Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2010). Presence or absence of carbohydrates and the proportion of fat in a high-protein diet affect appetite suppression but not energy expenditure in normal-weight human subjects fed in energy balance. British Journal of Nutrition,104(9), 1395-1405. doi:10.1017/s0007114510002060

- Foster, G., Wyatt, H., Hill, J., McGuckin, B., Brill, C., Mohammed, S., . . . Klein, S. (2003). A Randomized Trial of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet for Obesity*. The New England Journal of Medicine,348, 2082-2090.

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