Old woman showing clear signs of arthritis in both hands, with fingers drifting away from the thumb.

Arthritis: Causes, Prevention, and Natural Treatments

Complete Guide to Arthritis

Natural Treatments for Arthritis

Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Gerson diet
Moxibustion Therapy
Omega 3 (PUFAs)
Orthomolecular Medicine
Turmeric / Curcumin / H
Alkaline Diet
Lectin Free Diet / Plan
Apitherapy Bee Venom Th
Laser Therapy
Chelation Therapy
Apitherapy Honey Produc
Willow Bark
Brahmi / Bacopa monnier
Gymnema Sylvestre / Sug
Frankincense / Boswelli
Nettle / Stinging Nettl
Soy Isoflavones
Ashwagandha / Withania
Tribulus Terrestris / G
Aloe Vera
Slender Dwarf Morning G
Baking Soda / Sodium Bi
Arsenic / Arsenicum Alb
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
Hyaluronic Acid / Hyalu
Histaminum Hydrochloric
Cannabis / CBD
Blood Type Diet
Cupping (Hijama)
Methylsulfonylmethane (
Vitamin D
CMO (Cis-9-cetylmyristo
Vitamin K / Menaquinone
Red Raspberry
Olive Oil

Arthritis Dos and Don'ts

Omega-3 is powerful in reducing inflammation. Eat fish such as salmon, and walnuts. Both are rich sources of omega-3.

Sulfur rich foods can reduce inflammation of the joints, and help rebuild tissues. It can also decrease the pain. Foods rich in sulfur include: Turkey, beef, eggs,

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and digestive enzymes.

Excessive weight can increase the pain of arthritis by adding more pressure on the joints. That’s why it’s important to sustain a healthy weight.

Physical activity is important for joint health. In the long run, it can help in treating arthritis since it strengthens the muscles around the affected joint,

High amounts of sugar in the diet could cause inflammation and increase arthritis pain. That’s why it’s important to omit sugary food, as well as soft drinks and

Smoking can lead to many health problems including some types of arthritis. Accordingly, it is important to refrain from smoking.

Excessive alcohol drinking can damage the body in many ways. It’s important to drink in moderation. For instance, 1 glass per day for women, and 2 glasses a day for men

Omega 6 is necessary for the body for normal growth. However, excess omega-6 can promote inflammation by producing pro-inflammatory chemicals.  Sources of omega-6

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