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Menopause Dos and Don'ts

Prevention center

Menopause Dos and Don'ts: Tips and Prevention

What you should Do for Menopause

Maintain a healthy weight for menopause: woman on scale checking her weight.

Maintaining a healthy weight may help alleviate menopause symptoms and help prevent disease.

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Fruits and vegetables for menopause: fruits and vegetables in a basket.

The bones become weak with menopause. So, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help keep the bones healthy, and prevent weight gain that can occur during menopause.  

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Sleep well for menopause: senior woman sleeping in bed.

Menopause is accompanied with lack of sleep and moodiness that reduce a woman’s productivity and focus.  Thus, sleeping at least 7 hours every night makes you more

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Flax seeds are rich in phytoestrogens that can help alleviate hot flashes, which is a menopause symptom.

Consuming foods rich in phytoestrogens can help alleviate hot flashes that is one of the most common symptoms of menopause. Foods rich in phytoestrogens include: -

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Food rich in proteins for menopause: variety of protein rich foods including meat, chicken, salmon, and eggs.

The bones become weak with menopause, and some of the menopause symptoms include losing lean muscle, moodiness and lack of sleep. Accordingly, eating foods rich in protein may

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Exercise regularly to reduce menopause symptoms: senior woman doing sports outdoor.

Exercising regularly can help reduce menopause symptoms such as poor sleep, anxiety, low mood, and fatigue. It can also protect against weight gain that can occur during

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Calcium and vitamin D for menopause: foods rich in vitamin D and calcium.

Eat foods rich in Calcium and Vitamin D because they are important to prevent bone loss that can occur during menopause.

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What you should Avoid for Menopause

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugar for menopause: alcohol Irish coffee drink

Avoid foods and drinks that can trigger menopause and make them worse such as: hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. These foods include caffeine, alcohol and sugary or

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Avoid refined sugar for menopause: refined sugar grains in a spoon.

Avoid refined sugar because it is associated with a higher risk of depression. It can also worsen bone health in postmenopausal women and trigger hot flashes.

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Avoid processed food for menopause: processed meat in a factory.

Avoid consuming processed foods if you started menopause because it can trigger hot flashes. Processed foods can also increase the risk of depression and weaken your bones

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Avoid skipping meals for menopause: woman eating healthy food.

Skipping meals may cause some symptoms of menopause to get worse. It can also hinder weight loss in postmenopausal women.

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