Diseases and conditions

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Dos and Don'ts

Prevention center

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Dos and Don'ts: Tips and Prevention

What you should Do for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Follow up with a doctor for IBD: patient shaking hand with doctor at the clinic.

Follow up with your doctor to regularly monitor the symptoms because these might change and worsen over time.  Accordingly, your doctor can advise you what should be done

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Drink water for IBD: woman drinking water.

Drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated is good for patients with IBD. It gives the gastrointestinal tract a chance to heal from inflammation and make it easier for the stool to

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Small meal portion for IBD: small portion of food in a plate.

IBD patients experiencing active symptoms should eat smaller meals and eat slowly to avoid overwhelming the gastrointestinal tract with a large meal. Hence, shoot for six

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Sleep well for IBD: woman sleeping in bed.

Sleeping for seven to eight hours every night is important for patients with IBD. Lack of sleep can increase inflammation, and affect mood and mental health. It can further

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What you should Avoid for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Avoid dairy products for IBD: selection of various dairy products including milk, cheese, butter, and cream.

Avoid dairy foods because eating dairy foods might increase the symptoms of IBD such as diarrhea, gas, and cramps.

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Avoid saturated fat for IBD: meat full of saturated fat

Patients with IBD should avoid eating saturated fats because saturated fats can further narrow the intestines and/or colon of those patients, leading to problems with partial

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Avoid narcotics for IBD: narcotic pain pills.

Avoid certain classes of medications particularly the narcotics because these can give rise to further problems especially constipation. Furthermore, the bowel doesn’t

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Avoid spice foods for IBD: big selection of spices in a shop.

Spicy foods can provoke an already-irritated colon and increase the inflammation of the colon. 

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Avoid caffeine for IBD: caffeine might trigger IBD symptoms. A cup of coffee in a blue cup.

Caffeine is considered a gastric irritant. It might overstimulate the gastrointestinal (GI) system and increase the symptoms of IBD, such as diarrhea. However, some

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Avoid processed food for IBD: processed meat.

Processed foods contain emulsifiers that extend the shelf life. These can increase in inflammation in the gut and worsen IBD symptoms.

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Avoid stress for IBD: stressed woman.

Stress can exacerbate the symptoms of IBD and can beat up the gastrointestinal tract.

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Avoid alcohol for IBD because it might trigger IBD symptoms. Glasses of alcohol on a table.

Several study have shown that alcohol might trigger IBD flare-ups and can worsen gastrointestinal symptoms. It is also associated with higher risk of relapse. However, some

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Avoid nuts and seeds for IBD: different nuts and seeds selection.

Although nuts and seeds are good sources of healthy unsaturated fats and fiber but the high fiber content means that they can be a digestive irritant. Hence, patients with IBD

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Avoid cruciferous vegetables for IBD: selection of cruciferous vegetables.

Patients with IBD might experience narrowing in the bowel, in response to a long-standing inflammation. Hence, they must avoid cruciferous vegetables and raw fruits because

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