Omega-3 fish oil might reduce bipolar disorder because it fights inflammation and calms the nerves.

Vitamins and Minerals

Omega Fatty Acids For Bipolar Disorder

 Supported by research

Can Omega-3 help for Bipolar Disorder?

Complete Guide to Omega Fatty Acids For Bipolar Disorder

- Sarris, J., Mischoulon, D., & Schweitzer, I. (2012). Omega-3 for bipolar disorder: Meta-analyses of use in mania and bipolar depression. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry,73(1).

- Shakeri, J., Khanegi, M., Golshani, S., Farnia, V., Tatari, F., Alikhani, M., Nooripour, R., & Ghezelbash, M. S. (2016). Effects of Omega-3 Supplement in the Treatment of Patients with Bipolar I Disorder. International journal of preventive medicine, 7, 77.

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