Vitamins and Minerals

Folic Acid / Vitamin B9 For Chronic Inflammation

Science Center

What science says about Folic Acid / Vitamin B9 For Chronic Inflammation

Folic acid for chronic inflammation is still a controversial topic among scientists and health experts.

On one hand, supporters of this solution suggest taking folic acid to reduce inflammation and prevent it from becoming a chronic inflammation. Accordingly, they believe that folic acid helps keep inflammation within normal range and prevent prolonged exposure to inflammation. The latter could lead to chronic Inflammation and cause serious chronic diseases, including cancer.

For instance, Dr. Michael Lam, MD, MPH, Dr. Carrie Lam, MD, and Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD, suggest that folic acid might help reduce inflammation as it has been shown to decrease inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein.

On the other hand, other researchers believe that there's no conclusive evidence yet about the role of folic acid’s in reducing inflammation. They believe that more research is still required to better understand this relation and to know more about the dosage needed.

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