Ayurveda for eczema: use, benefits, and precautions. Why Ayurvedic medicine helps treat eczema.

Alternative Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine For Eczema

 Limited research available

Can Ayurveda Treat Eczema and How?

Complete Guide to Ayurvedic Medicine For Eczema

- Kaur, M., & Chandola, H. M. (2010). Role of rasayana in cure and prevention of recurrence of vicharchika (eczema). Ayu, 31(1), 33–39. https://doi.org/10.4103/0974-8520.68207 

- Hegde, P., Hemanth, D. T., Emmi, S. V., Shilpa, M. P., Shindhe, P. S., & Santosh, Y. M. (2010). A case discussion on eczema. International journal of Ayurveda research, 1(4), 268–270. https://doi.org/10.4103/0974-7788.76792

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