Hemorrhoids Prevention http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/things_you_should_not_do_profile/2023-03-01/Sitting_on_floor.jpg , "description": " Hemorrhoids Prevention ", "url": "https://aposbook.com/condition-prevention-center-full/hemorrhoids/159/2/92", "headline": "", "thumbnail": [ "http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/things_you_should_not_do_profile/2023-03-01/Sitting_on_floor.jpg" ]

What you should Avoid for Hemorrhoids

Avoid sitting on hard surfaces for hemorrhoids: woman sitting on the floor.

Avoid hard surfaces for Hemorrhoids

Sitting on hard surfaces increases the swelling of existing hemorrhoids and stimulates the formation of new ones. Hence, it’s better to sit on a cushion rather than a hard surface.