Diet Programs

Paleo Diet For Lupus

Science Center

What science says about Paleo Diet For Lupus

Nutritionists and medical experts have conflicting opinions on the popular Paleo diet, especially when it comes to treating diseases like lupus.

Supporters of the diet maintain that because the Paleo diet eliminates grains, it is a gluten-free diet suitable for patients who suffer from an autoimmune disease like lupus. By restricting the consumption of cereal grains, the diet prevents inflammation and helps heal the gut, preventing or even reversing the effects of lupus.

In addition, many lupus patients have posted success stories on the internet claiming that the Paleo diet eliminated their lupus symptoms and helped them feel much healthier.

However, opponents of the diet argue that there is insufficient scientific evidence pointing to the effectiveness of the Paleo diet for lupus given that there have been no studies on the Paleo diet and lupus. Thus, further research is needed before they can accept the Paleo diet as a form of treatment for lupus.

They also argue that the Paleo diet may be harmful because it is restrictive. Plus, the diet’s lack of dairy can lead to calcium and vitamin D deficiencies in the body.

Opinion in favor of following the Paleo Diet to treat Lupus

Supporters of the Paleo diet for lupus believe that the diet is beneficial for the disease because it eliminates all grains, thus removing gluten, from the diet.

Dr. Loren Cordain, the founder of the Paleo diet, believes that the “withdrawal of all gluten-containing cereals causes complete remission” of autoimmune diseases. Therefore, the diet is beneficial for an autoimmune disease like lupus.

In addition, many lupus patients have posted success stories on the internet claiming that they felt their health improve significantly after starting the Paleo diet.

Supporters of the Paleo diet for lupus recommend that lupus patients follow the autoimmune Paleo diet to decrease inflammation levels in the body.

Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, a molecular physicist, recommends that anyone who suffers from an autoimmune disease should follow the Autoimmune Paleo diet protocol. This type of diet is a stricter version of the Paleo diet designed to reduce inflammation in the body and help heal the gut.


Skeptical views about the benefit of Paleo Diet for Lupus

Opponents of the Paleo diet for lupus do not believe that the diet can treat or prevent the disease. They argue that there is insufficient scientific evidence pointing to the effectiveness of the Paleo diet in treating lupus.

They also argue that the diet is restrictive, difficult to follow, and can cause calcium and vitamin D deficiencies. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to having a higher risk of developing an autoimmune disease. Thus, the Paleo diet might be harmful to people with Lupus because it can result in a vitamin D deficiency which does not help their autoimmune disease. 

Nevertheless, opponents of the Paleo diet for lupus believe that the diet may be beneficial for overall health because it encourages healthy eating habits, such as eating organic fruits and vegetables and avoiding processed meats, high sugar foods, and refined carbohydrates.

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