Vitamins and Minerals

Omega-3 For Alzheimer Disease / Dementia

Science Center

What science says about Omega-3 For Alzheimer Disease / Dementia

Scientists and health experts have different opinions on the benefits of omega-3 for treating Alzheimer’s disease and reducing its symptoms.

As a result, the use of omega-3 supplements to treat Alzheimer’s remains highly debatable. Scientists call for more research to better understand how omega-3 works to reduce or prevent Alzheimer’s disease before they recommend it as a treatment option.


Opinion in favor of taking Omega-3 to treat Alzheimer

Supporters of the use of omega-3 for Alzheimer, believe that this fatty acid is important because it helps protect and maintain the brain function. It can also reduce Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. 

They suggest that omega-3 decreases inflammation in the brain and prevents the formation of beta-amyloid plaques, which damages the brain cells.

According to them, omega-3 also improves the blood flow to ensure that nutrients and oxygen are properly delivered to different nerve cells so they can get proper nutrition and keep functioning. This prevents premature cells death or shrinkage. 

Skeptical views about the benefit of Omega-3 for Alzheimer

Some health experts believe that omega-3 does not affect Alzheimer’s disease and disagree with the claims that it can reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms. 

They argue that patients showed no improvement while taking omega-3 supplements, which raises questions about its effectiveness. They also claim that there’s not enough evidence to prove this, and some research show conflicting results.
For instance, the study, “No Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Cognition and Mood in Individuals with Cognitive Impairment and Probable Alzheimer’s Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial” showed that omega-3 had no positive effects on AD patients. Patients that were given omega-3 showed a similar symptom progression scale compared to those receiving a placebo.

In addition, these health experts oppose taking omega-3 supplements and opt for omega-3 rich foods as they believe the food can provide health benefits that can come from a combination of different nutrients. 


How health experts in favor of Omega-3 for Alzheimer, respond to these claims?

In response to these claims and study conducted, scientists point out that the standard daily dose of 1.1 grams of omega-3 does not affect Alzheimer’s patients. According to them, a proper dose should be up to 3 grams per day because the brain of Alzheimer’s patients cannot take up omega-3 effectively.  

This is especially the case for patients who have the ApoE4 gene that causes trouble processing and absorbing omega 3.

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