Vitamins and Minerals

Omega-3 For Alzheimer Disease / Dementia

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Omega-3 For Alzheimer Disease / Dementia

Possible causes of Alzheimer Associated with Omega-3

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the brain and is characterized by the gradual loss of cognitive and neurological abilities.

The disease is progressive. Over time, it slowly destroys memory, thinking and social skills, and limits the patient’s ability to conduct a basic conversation. Eventually, patients lose the ability to conduct the simplest daily tasks.

Several factors might contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Some of these causes related to Omega-3 include:

1- Accumulation of beta-amyloid plaque: Beta-amyloid is a protein fragment normally found in the brain. However, in Alzheimer’s patients, these proteins reach abnormal high levels and start clumping together to form a hard, insoluble plaque. Once this plaque accumulates between the brain’s neurons, it disrupts cell communication and leads to the death of brain cells.

The accumulation of plaque can also disrupt blood flow and causes platelets to start forming clots. These blood clots deprive the brain cells of essential nutrients and impacts the various brain functions.

2- Impaired blood flow: blood plays a key role in transporting essential nutrients to the brain, such as glucose and oxygen that nourish the brain cells. 

Accordingly, if the cerebral blood flow (CBF) to the brain is impaired, it prevents the blood from properly delivering nutrition to the different nerve cells. As a result, brain cells stop flourishing and end up dying.

3- Inflammation in the brain: inflammatory markers such as cytokines and interleukin-6 normally play an important role in fighting off infection or injury.

However, if inflammation becomes chronic, it can cause neurons damage and trigger neurodegeneration of the brain cells. This leads to impaired brain functions.

Learn everything about Alzheimer's disease (AD) and find all the natural solutions to treat it naturally, including various diet programs, alternative medicine, vitamins, supplements, herbal medicine, and home remedies.

Why Omega-3 helps Treat Alzheimer's Disease?

Omega-3 can help treat and reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms because of the following reasons:

-    Prevent beta-amyloid accumulation: omega-3 might help treat Alzheimer’s disease because it prevents the accumulation of beta-amyloid, which disrupts cell communication and results in the death of cells. 

-    Reduce inflammation: omega-3 may help treat Alzheimer because it reduces inflammation in the brain. Thus, preventing neuron damage and cell death.

-    Improve blood flow: omega-3 can improve blood flow, thus allowing nutrients and oxygen to be properly transported to various parts of the brain. This allows the brain to maintain its functions, reducing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

-    Regulate cells signaling: omega-3 helps reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms because it can modulate cell signaling and improve the various brain functions.

How Omega-3 works for Alzheimer’s Disease

Omega-3 prevents the accumulation of beta amyloid by increasing the levels of LR11 protein in the body. This protein inhibits the formation of beta-amyloid plaque deposits in the brain, which helps treat and reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Omega-3 also decreases platelet count and increases blood flow to the brain. As a result, nutrients and oxygen can be properly delivered which helps the brain preserve its functions.

In addition, omage-3 can fight inflammation by inhibiting an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX). This enzyme is responsible for producing the prostaglandin hormones that spark inflammation. Accordingly, omega-3 can protect brain cells and help them preserve their functions.

Furthermore, omega-3 improves autophagy in macrophages, which are specialized immune system cells that engulf or destroy other damaged cells. Autophagy is a metabolic process in which the body starts destroying damaged or redundant cellular components and consuming its own tissues. 
When cells starve or are injured, autophagy increases, and omega-3 boosts the efficiency of the process. Plus, autophagy suppresses inflammatory reactions and decreases inflammation, reducing Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Omega-3 dose for Alzheimer: How much to Take

Recent trials on Alzheimer’s patients found that consuming less than 1 gram of omega-3 per day is too low of a dose, and may not be effective against the disease. 

Accordingly, the recommended daily dosage of omega-3 for Alzheimer’s patients is up to 3 grams of omega-3.   

This is probably because omega-3 doesn’t reach the brain effectively in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. This means that even if the omega-3 level in the blood is showing normal, that doesn’t mean that the omega- 3 level in the brain is equally high.

Hence, Alzheimer’s patients need to take these higher doses of omega-3 to treat their condition. 

Important notice: taking omega-3 doses higher than 3 grams is not safe for Alzheimer’s patients because it might increase the risk of bleeding.

Before taking omega-3 supplements, always consult a doctor or healthcare expert to make sure you are taking a balanced ratio of omega-3.

Omega-3 for Alzheimer: Precautions

If you want to take omega-3 to treat Alzheimer’s disease, you need to consider the following precautions:


1- People with certain medical conditions

People with the following medical conditions should take precautions and consult a doctor before they begin taking omega supplements.

- Diabetes: consuming excessive omega-3 fats may lower blood sugar levels. People who have diabetes should consult a doctor to determine the appropriate dose for their condition.

- A seizure disorder: consuming excessive omega-6 fats such as GLA may cause seizures in people who have a seizure disorder.

-Allergies: people who have allergies should take precautions before taking omega fatty acid supplements.

Many omega supplements come from fish sources, and people who are allergic to fish cannot take these supplements. Some supplements may also contain peanut and soy, which are also common allergens.


2- Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women

Consuming excessive omega-6 fats may cause pregnant women to have pregnancy complications such as early labor and contribute to the poor development of the fetus.

Pregnant women should also avoid omega-3 because it affects their blood clotting abilities and increases the risk of bleeding. Also, some omega-3 supplements like cod liver oil contain vitamin A, which might be harmful to the fetus.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid omega-3 fish oil supplements that come from fish that contain high amounts of mercury, such as mackerel, swordfish, or tilefish because mercury may harm the baby. 


3- Interaction with other Medications

Omega fats may interact with different medications and exacerbate certain conditions. Consult your doctor or healthcare provider before taking omega fatty acids supplements if you take the following medication:

- Anticoagulant medication: Omega fats can interfere with blood-thinning medication. Consuming excessive amounts of omega fats can cause blood thinning or excessive bleeding.

- Blood pressure medication: consuming excessive amounts of omega fats may lower blood pressure and interfere with blood pressure medication.


4- Vitamin A Toxicity

If you are taking omega-3 supplements, always check the amount of vitamin A. Some omega-3 supplements may contain very high amounts of vitamin A, which may cause vitamin A toxicity.

People should also avoid cod liver oil because it contains a high amount of vitamin A. They can substitute it with other omega-3 supplements that aren’t high in vitamin A like fish or krill oil.

Omega-3 for Alzheimer: Side Effects

If you take omega-3 for Alzheimer, you may experience unwanted side effects such as an unpleasant taste in the mouth, bad breath, heartburn, nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, low blood pressure, high blood sugar, diarrhea, headaches, and smelly sweat.


Side effects of the Omega-3-6-9 supplement

If you take an Omega-3-6-9 supplement, you may experience the following side effects: burping, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and heartburn, loss of taste, skin rash, hives, itching, prolonged bleeding from cuts, and nosebleeds.

Consult  your doctor if any of these side effects appear.

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