Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, might help manage depression and improve mood.

Vitamins and Minerals

Folic Acid / Vitamin B9 For Depression

 Supported by research

Can Folic Acid Reduce Depression and Improve Mood?

Complete Guide to Folic Acid / Vitamin B9 For Depression

What science says about Folic Acid / Vitamin B9 For Depression

Check out what experts have to say

Folic acid for depression is still a controversial topic for scientists and researchers. On one hand, supporters of this topic suggest taking folic acid to reduce depressive symptoms. They suggest that several forms of folate are safe and efficient in treating individuals with depressive disorders. Elizabeth Somer, M.A. R.D, advises to take folic acid since it aids in

Views in favor

Elizabeth Somer, M.A, R.D, explains that folic acid is important for

Depression, How Does A Folic Acid Deficiency Affect It?

Views against

- Fava, M., & Mischoulon, D. (2009). Folate in depression: efficacy, safety, differences in formulations, and clinical issues. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 70 Suppl 5, 12–17.

- Salah Gariballa, Testing homocysteine-induced neurotransmitter deficiency, and depression of mood hypothesis in clinical practice, Age and Ageing, Volume 40, Issue 6, November 2011, Pages 702–705,

- Reynolds E. H. (2002). Folic acid, ageing, depression, and dementia. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 324(7352), 1512–1515.

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