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Complete Guide to Folic Acid / Vitamin B9 For Cancer
Possible causes of Cancer: from the Folic Acid perspective
Cancer is considered to be a disease in which cells grow exponentially in different regions of the body, destroying normal and healthy cells.
One cause of cancer is gene mutation inside one of the cells due to an error in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) creation. This mutation allows the development of faulty cells called cancerous cells that start circulating and multiplying in the body thus spreading the irregularity to other cells ...
Possible causes of Cancer: from the Folic Acid perspective
Cancer is considered to be a disease in which cells grow exponentially in different regions of the body, destroying normal and healthy cells.
One cause of cancer is gene mutation inside one of the cells due to an error in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) creation. This mutation allows the development of faulty cells called cancerous cells that start circulating and multiplying in the body thus spreading the irregularity to other cells.
Unlike healthy cells, cancer cells, lose the controls that allow them to stop growing and dying which is the normal lifecycle of the cell. This causes rapid and continuous spread of abnormal cells in the body, hence lowering the numbers of healthy cells.
Another possible cause of cancer could be due to folic acid deficiency. Folate aids in the generation of DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid). Deficiency in folate might affect DNA at the cellular level and damages it. This damage resembles the DNA damage done in cancer cells. As a result, risks of cancer increase and might take place in the body.
Folic acid might reduce the risk of cancer by producing more healthy cells and increasing their count in the body. Plus, it ensures proper maturation of cells in the body that can counter the development of abnormal cancerous cells.
Moreover, providing the body with the proper vitamin B9 nutrition to overcome folic acid deficiency, helps support the appropriate synthesis of DNA and RNA. This reduces DNA damage and the risk of producing cancer ...
Why Folic Acid helps regulate Cancer:
Folic acid might reduce the risk of cancer by producing more healthy cells and increasing their count in the body. Plus, it ensures proper maturation of cells in the body that can counter the development of abnormal cancerous cells.
Moreover, providing the body with the proper vitamin B9 nutrition to overcome folic acid deficiency, helps support the appropriate synthesis of DNA and RNA. This reduces DNA damage and the risk of producing cancer cells.
Folic acid is converted into folate by the body and then transformed into tetrahydrofolic acid (THF). The latter is important for the synthesis of DNA and RNA, hence allowing the generation and maturation of healthy cells throughout the body.
This reduces the presence of damaged DNA cells and increases the production of healthy normal cells that can override the count of cancerous cells and limit their expansion. Accordingly, this Is suggested to decrease ...
How Folic Acid works for Cancer:
Folic acid is converted into folate by the body and then transformed into tetrahydrofolic acid (THF). The latter is important for the synthesis of DNA and RNA, hence allowing the generation and maturation of healthy cells throughout the body.
This reduces the presence of damaged DNA cells and increases the production of healthy normal cells that can override the count of cancerous cells and limit their expansion. Accordingly, this Is suggested to decrease the chances of cancer cells development.
Folic acid is mostly available in capsules or tablets. However, it can also be present in liquid form. It can be administered either intravenously through the vein, or through the muscle or skin based on what the doctor suggests.
There are no conclusive dosages of folic acid for cancer yet.
However, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) recommends that men and women older than 19 years old should take an oral dose of at least ...
Folic Acid Dosage for Cancer:
Folic acid is mostly available in capsules or tablets. However, it can also be present in liquid form. It can be administered either intravenously through the vein, or through the muscle or skin based on what the doctor suggests.
There are no conclusive dosages of folic acid for cancer yet.
However, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) recommends that men and women older than 19 years old should take an oral dose of at least 400mcg on a daily basis. In addition, the injectable dose of liquid folic acid is set at 5mg/ml daily. This might help in decreasing the chances of cancer. People should not take over 400mcg of folic acid unless recommended by a doctor.
Dosages should always be consulted by the doctor in order to revise each person’s case according to age and medical condition, if any.
People who have allergies should take precautions and consult a doctor before they begin taking folic acid supplements.
It is possible to have a reaction to folic acid which might lead to skin rash, itching, difficulty breathing, redness.
Interaction with different Medications
Folic acid may interact with different medications and exacerbate certain conditions. Consult your doctor or healthcare provider before taking folic acid supplements if you take the following medication:
Anticonvulsants medication ...
Folic Acid for Cancer: precautions
People who have allergies should take precautions and consult a doctor before they begin taking folic acid supplements.
It is possible to have a reaction to folic acid which might lead to skin rash, itching, difficulty breathing, redness.
Interaction with different Medications
Folic acid may interact with different medications and exacerbate certain conditions. Consult your doctor or healthcare provider before taking folic acid supplements if you take the following medication:
Anticonvulsants medication: such as cerebyx, phenytoin, and primidone- could decrease the concentration of the supplement in your blood.
Barbiturates, methotrexate, and pyrimethamine medications: could decrease the drug’s effectiveness
- Jennings, E. (1995). Folic acid as a cancer-preventing agent. Medical Hypotheses, 45(3), 297-303.
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