The underlying causes of Disc Herniation Pain that might be managed by Acupuncture
The human body is centered around a prolonged structure made of several bone formations (vertebrae) and discs composed of fibrous bands and a gel-filled interior (intervertebral discs) called the spinal column.
The intervertebral discs act like a jelly donut, with a softer center (called the nucleus) encased within a tougher exterior (called the annulus).
A spinal disc herniation occurs when there is a tear in the annulus ...
The underlying causes of Disc Herniation Pain that might be managed by Acupuncture
The human body is centered around a prolonged structure made of several bone formations (vertebrae) and discs composed of fibrous bands and a gel-filled interior (intervertebral discs) called the spinal column.
The intervertebral discs act like a jelly donut, with a softer center (called the nucleus) encased within a tougher exterior (called the annulus).
A spinal disc herniation occurs when there is a tear in the annulus, resulting in the protrusion of the gel-filled interior. The pain is either the result of a tear in the annular region or a disc pressing on the spinal nerves that run alongside the spinal column.
The symptoms of a herniated disc can be sometimes minor and easy to ignore. However, sometimes they become severe and incapacitating especially if the disc starts pressing on the spinal nerves.
Visit our "Library Center" section below to find all the information on the possible causes of disc herniation that might be managed by Acupuncture and Motion Style Acupuncture Therapy (MSAT).
Click to learn everything about disc herniation and find all the natural solutions to treat it naturally, including various diet programs, alternative medicine, vitamins, supplements, herbal medicine, and home remedies.