
Diet Programs

Fast Metabolism Diet

Science Center

What science says about Fast Metabolism Diet

The Fast Metabolism diet is subject to conflicting views by various nutrition and medical experts.

In general, some nutrition experts do recommend this type of diet and believe that this rotation of nutrients can promote fast metabolism and weight loss. However, most healthcare experts believe that this diet has no scientific fundamentals nor logic to support these claims that it can actually influence the metabolism.

For them, the Fast Metabolism Diet remains a way to promote this diet program through creating a nice marketing concept around it, and a way to attract people and sell books. All this, without being based on real science or having any hard evidence how this rotation in nutrients can really boost the metabolism. 


Opinion in favor of the Fast Metabolism Diet

Proponents of the Fast Metabolism Diet believe that by eating the right foods at the right time, the metabolism can be altered and sped up. They suggest that rotating between phases every week causes the body to start reducing stress and releasing good hormones to balance food. Furthermore, this would reduce cortisol levels, and hence can help in boosting metabolism.

This diet is believed to have many benefits including weight loss and regulated blood sugar.

Haylie Pomroy the creator of the diet calls herself the “metabolism whisperer”. She claims that foods low in nutrients slow down the metabolism and lead to weight gain. She quotes “The beauty of your metabolism is that it can be manipulated, because how you eat and move and live affects how much of your food is stored as fat, how much is used as energy, and how much is devoted to building the structure that is your body."

In support of the diet also, Haylie published many books to explain in detail about it, and promote lifestyle changes.

Opinion against doing the Fast Metabolism Diet

On the other hand, opponents of the diet disagree with the claims made around this diet. According to them, all the rules and structure of this diet are not based on any scientific evidence. 

And while they agree that the Fast Metabolism diet is good to follow because it is rich in healthy foods and promotes exercise, however they do believe that there is no proof that it can speed up the metabolism as the diet claims. 

For them, Hailey is creating a nice marketing concept around previously recommended dietary habits, but she is doing it in her own way. This is the case, especially that eating healthy and exercising are already known to promote weight loss.

Subsequently, they classify this diet as a fad diet and believe that Haylie’s approach is more business and marketing oriented rather than being scientific and clinical. The diet is also criticized for being a way to promote other supplements along with the diet, and an opportunistic approach to sell more books and achieve personal fame. 

Views in favor of Fast Metabolism Diet

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