
Diet Programs

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Science Center

What science says about Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Overall, there is a common agreement among most medical and health professionals about the benefits of the anti-inflammatory diet, including its role in treating several medical conditions.

However, some experts argue that the anti-inflammatory diet needs to be studied more extensively before we can completely confirm that it can reduce certain diseases or relief the symptoms of some medical conditions. 


Opinion of supporters of the Anti-inflammatory Diet

Supporters of the anti-inflammatory diet believe that this diet can reduce inflammation which is a main symptom present in many medical conditions. Accordingly, this diet can diminish the risk of developing several chronic diseases, especially given that inflammation is considered a major contributing factor in many of them.

Furthermore, it is a known fact that food can impact several medical conditions. These conditions can actually develop faster and become more dangerous when the proper diet program is not followed.

Research has shown that many types of foods do reduce the inflammation level in numerous health problems, particularly compared to other food types that promote inflammation and cause several health conditions. 

Mainly the intake of fruits, vegetables and whole wheat are inversely linked with inflammation. There is also evidence, which shows that antioxidants found in plant foods such as flavonoids and carotenoids can regulate inflammation as well. Meanwhile, foods that contain saturated fats and trans-fats are the main triggers for inflammation.


Cautious views on the Anti-inflammatory Diet

Most medical and health experts agree about the overall benefits of the anti-inflammatory diet. However, some experts believe that more research is required before being able to confirm that the diet can cure and prevent specific illnesses.

This is basically due to the fact that there’s no research and detailed data in particular about this matter. Hence, some medical experts find it challenging to believe that certain foods can prevent some medical conditions and diseases.

Accordingly, they argue that some foods have actually shown anti-inflammatory effects by decreasing CRP and other inflammatory markers. However, this doesn’t conclude that the anti-inflammatory diet can really prevent or relieve the symptoms of these medical conditions.

This is mainly because they believe that inflammation is a symptom and not the cause of the health condition. There’s still undergoing research on this subject in order to come up with better evidence and a final answer to understand how all this works.

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