In an autoimmune disease, there is a wrong reaction of our defense mechanism against the body's own tissue. Our immune system has a very sophisticated system to keep us disease free. It identifies all foreign substances that invade our body and everything we come into contact. If our immune system is something dangerous eight, produces antibodies to ward off harmful invaders. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body is working hard to defend against potentially hazardous substances our bodies, such as allergens, toxins, infections or food, but does not see the difference between the invaders and our own body cells. Because certain body cells for harmful looketh, antibodies are sent on off. This leads to considerable physical klachten. Ayurveda describes this in a slightly different way. Ayurveda suggests that the immune system attacks the body's own cells do not accidentally, but it does to defend against a form of harmful metabolites body, genaamd ‘Ama’. Ama is produced in the tissues that are attacked. There are several reasons for the emergence of Ama (this will be discussed in the following paragraphs). Likewise, there are several reasons for the different ways in which Ama out. Actually Ama also responsible for a number of other conditions, ranging from occasional diarrhea (diarrhea) to chronic diseases, such as diabetes, and an everyday until incurable indigestion SLE (also known as systemic lupus erythematosus). The reason behind such a wide range of disorders caused by Ama lies in the property of the Ama that it takes out on various cells of the body, and deep within the biological systems calls. Autoimmune diseases are usually caused by large amounts of Ama penetrate certain body tissues or physiological systems. In addition, prolonged exposure to poorly digestible food, pollutants, allergenic, toxic stoffen, synthetic chemicals and drugs is another cause of autoimmune diseases. Poor treatment of the disease and repeated suppression of symptoms without addressing the cause, also accelerates disease progression.


Ama does not reveal itself directly physically, but expresses itself through the effects it has on the body. The presence of Ama and the presence in the body cells is easy to fix with a questionnaire and a clinical examination. Laboratory tests may create a little because of the complex nature of Ama, and because of the fact that Ama is not fully inserted, characterized by a bio-chemical composition. Strictly speaking, consists of Ama incompletely digested metabolic substances. The emergence of these can have different causes. As with a fireplace, where there is a lack of air and too much moisture relatively little heat and lots of smoke arises, also our metabolism similarly malfunctioning. Via our metabolism than forming toxins and other incompletely burned and incompatible substances in the body known as Ama. The production of Ama can take place in the inner spijverteringsorganen, but also physiological system-level, tissue level, celniveau level of moleculair, where the relevant organs of the digestive system affects. At an early stage Ama can be easily cured, but as the physical condition persists for an extended period of time, just like a blocked chimney, Ama hinders the physiological channels of the body, it slows down the metabolism, impedes the supply of produced metabolites and toxins are produced that result again in more production of Ama. If this condition is not the body corrects itself or if there is no medical help is sought, creates a vicious circle.

In the initial phase, when the Ama in the larger body channels is, trying an alternative way to get rid of the toxins present our bodies. This causes the body, inter alia, by making use of the rest of the body channels use, such as purification, vomit, errhine (via snow), sweat, saliva, urine shoulder etc. However, in case of chronic conditions, or if there are repeated suppression of Ama, Nesting toxins deep in the cells. The AMA is currently a threat to our health, and because it is now up to the level of tissue has penetrated, starts our immune system to attack the affected cells to. This causes inflammation or allergic reactions that without proper treatment can lead to auto-immune diseases. If the disease once manifested, it is difficult to control the condition in its entirety.