Diseases and conditions

Kidney Disease Prevention

Prevention center

What you should avoid for Kidney Disease

Reduce salt for kidney disease: salt shaker.

Restrict sodium consumption to less than 2 grams per day. Sodium raises blood pressure, increases fluid retention, and can lead to serious health issues.

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Avoid processes foods for kidney disease: processed meat in a factory.

Processed foods contain high amounts of sodium and phosphorus.  Sodium increases blood pressure and water retention in the body, and thus it is harmful for the

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Reduce sugar for kidney disease: different kinds of sugar including brown sugar, sugar cubes, and sugar grains.

Reduce sugar consumption because it might increase blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled levels of glucose can cause damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys, reducing

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Potassium and phosphorus for kidney disease: tomatoes and bananas rich in potassium.

In some cases, you might need to cut back on potassium and phosphorus because these minerals are cleared by the kidneys which puts more pressure on the

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Restrict protein for kidney disease: piece of red meat rich in proteins.

Proteins are important for the body to maintain the immune system, strength, and muscles mass. However, it is important to consume proteins moderately. If you have excess

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