Diseases and conditions

Arthritis Dos and Don'ts

Prevention center

Arthritis Dos and Don'ts: Tips and Prevention

What you should Do for Arthritis

Consume omega-3 for arthritis: plate of salmon, avocado, and nuts, rich in omega-3.

Omega-3 is powerful in reducing inflammation. Eat fish such as salmon, and walnuts. Both are rich sources of omega-3.

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Eat sulfur rich foods for arthritis: plate full of sulfur rich foods including eggs and tomatoes.

Sulfur rich foods can reduce inflammation of the joints, and help rebuild tissues. It can also decrease the pain. Foods rich in sulfur include: Turkey, beef, eggs,

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Eat fruits and vegetables for arthritis: display of various fruits and vegetables in a food basket.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and digestive enzymes.

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Maintain healthy weight for arthritis: person standing on a balance to measure his weight, holding a green apple.

Excessive weight can increase the pain of arthritis by adding more pressure on the joints. That’s why it’s important to sustain a healthy weight.

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Do physical activity for arthritis: elder man doing sports outdoor.

Physical activity is important for joint health. In the long run, it can help in treating arthritis since it strengthens the muscles around the affected joint,

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What you should Avoid for Arthritis

Limit sugar for arthritis: grains of sugar in a spoon and sugar cubes next to it.

High amounts of sugar in the diet could cause inflammation and increase arthritis pain. That’s why it’s important to omit sugary food, as well as soft drinks and

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Avoid smoking for Alzheimer: close up on a woman's hand, smoking cigarette.

Smoking can lead to many health problems including some types of arthritis. Accordingly, it is important to refrain from smoking.

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Avoid alcohol for arthritis: Red alcohol drink.

Excessive alcohol drinking can damage the body in many ways. It’s important to drink in moderation. For instance, 1 glass per day for women, and 2 glasses a day for men

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Avoid omega-6 for arthritis: sunflower, and sunflower oil in a small glass jar.

Omega 6 is necessary for the body for normal growth. However, excess omega-6 can promote inflammation by producing pro-inflammatory chemicals.  Sources of omega-6

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