Diseases and conditions

Alzheimer (Dementia) Dos and Don'ts

Prevention center

Alzheimer Dos and Don'ts: Tips and Lifestyle Changes

What you should Do for Alzheimer (Dementia)

Healthy eating for Alzheimer: healthy foods on a plate including avocado, tomatoes, chicken, and vegetables.

Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grain, fish, and olive oil in your diet. These foods are rich in important nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, and

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Exercise regularly for Alzheimer: middle age woman doing sports exercise on a mat with a group of women.

Regular physical activity including cardio and strength training can reduce the risks of developing Alzheimer’s. It can even slow the progression of the disease because

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Reading and thinking will stimulate your memory and cognitive abilities, slowing down Alzheimer’s symptoms. Individuals who challenge their brain by learning new things

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You must schedule specific times for meals because patients might forget if they have eaten.

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Begin early retirement for Alzheimer: senior couple walking outdoor, enjoying their time.

Treatment for Alzheimer’s should start as soon as possible to delay the progression and reduce the symptoms of the disease. Early detection and treatment stop further

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Keep daily objects in same place for Alzheimer: different objects placed and well organized next to each other.

Alzheimer’s patients tend to forget things more often. It helps to keep the objects they use on a daily basis in the same place, so it’s easier for them to remember

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Engage in social activities for Alzheimer: two elderly couples hanging out and spending good times together.

To protect oneself against dementia, it’s important to stay socially active and avoid social isolation. You can take part in activities such as taking volunteering,

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You must get at least 8 hours of sleep per night, to maintain a healthy brain. Poor sleep may aggravate Alzheimer’s symptoms.

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Manage stress for Alzheimer: a woman pressing on a stress ball in front of a desk.

Stress can increase the risk or progression of Alzheimer’s disease because it causes parts of the brain to shrink. To maintain the brain’s cellular growth, you

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Manage overall health for Alzheimer: beautiful woman looking good and healthy, sitting in the park.

Lowering both your cholesterol levels and blood pressure is good for the brain because high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure increase the risk of developing

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Chew gum for Alzheimer: a middle age woman chewing gum and blowing a bubble balloon.

Studies show that chewing gum increases the level of arousal and alertness during a cognitive test and increases blood flow to the brain.

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Dark chocolate for Alzheimer: pieces of dark chocolate stacked on top of each other.

Research suggests that cocoa is beneficial for Alzheimer’s because it contains flavonoids that can increase blood flow for 2 or 3 hours after you eat it.  

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Keep things organized and safe for Alzheimer: different objects well organized and placed on a desk.

Don’t leave objects on the floor. Always keep passages smooth and turn on the lights in all the rooms. Make sure floors are not slippery to reduce the risk of falling.

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What you should Avoid for Alzheimer (Dementia)

Avoid smoking for Alzheimer: Man smoking a cigarette standing in front of a wall.

You must quit smoking. People who smoke have an 80% increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s. A lot of research has proven that smoking is associated with

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Avoid long exposure to pesticides: man fully covered and wearing a mask, spraying pesticides in the garden.

You must avoid long exposure to pesticides. They can have toxic effects on the central nervous system, leading to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other brain

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Avoid gaining weight for Alzheimer: overweight woman taking picture outdoor.

You must watch what you eat because weight gain could negatively affect brain function and lead to Alzheimer’s. This is because being overweight decreases blood flow to

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Avoid excess alcohol for Alzheimer: man standing behind a bar full of alcohol.

Excessive drinking can cause the hippocampus, the area associated with memory and reasoning in the brain, to shrink.  It can also accelerate the brain’s aging

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Limit caffeine for Alzheimer: cup of coffee filled with roasted coffee beans.

Previous research suggested limiting your caffeine intake as it can worsen the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease. However, more recent research refutes these

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Avoid excess iron supplements for Alzheimer: different iron supplements in different colors, on a table.

Avoid iron supplementation because excess iron might be associated with increased Alzheimer disease.  

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Alzheimer (Dementia) Prevention Forum

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