Disc Herniation Prevention http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/recommendation_profile/2023-02-27/Genetic_test.jpg "description": " Disc Herniation Prevention ", "url": "https://aposbook.com/condition-prevention-center-full/disc-herniation/135/1/82", "headline": "", "thumbnail": [ "http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/recommendation_profile/2023-02-27/Genetic_test.jpg" ]

What you should do for Disc Herniation

Test genetic disposition for herniated discs: green tubes for genetic DNA test.

Assess your predisposition for Disc Herniation

It's important to assess genetic or environmental predisposition.

Preventive imaging analysis can be used to assess patients that are predisposed to develop disc herniations. MRI scans can detect potential disc abnormalities.

Patients can then take steps to prevent the abnormalities from developing into a bulge or a herniated disc.

Studies have shown that an MRI scan can detect disc abnormalities in about 30% of asymptomatic and otherwise normal patients.