Paleo diet for skin health: foods, diet program, and benefits. Why Paleo diet helps reduce skin aging.

Diet Programs

Paleo Diet For Skin Care

 Limited research available

Can Paleo Diet Fight Skin Aging?

Complete Guide to Paleo Diet For Skin Care

What science says about Paleo Diet For Skin Care

Check out what experts have to say

Nutritionists and medical experts have conflicting opinions on the popular Paleo diet, especially when it comes to skin health and anti-aging. As a low-glycemic index diet, it reduces the consumption of glucose and fructose. This prevents the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that may modify the skin’s elasticity, keeping the skin wrinkle-free.

Views in favor

Dr. Anthony Youn, a plastic surgeon in Troy, Michigan also known as

What is The Best Diet for You and Your Skin? - Dr. Anthony Youn

Views against

Dr. Michael Elstein, a Fellow of the Australian College of Nutritional

Doctor says paleo diet speeds up ageing and increases CANCER risk

- Cordain, L. (2011). The Paleo diet: Lose weight and get healthy by eating the foods you were designed to eat. Hoboken, NJ.: Wiley.

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