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DASH Diet For Kidney Disease

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DASH Diet For Kidney Disease

Possible causes of Kidney Disease associated with DASH diet

The kidneys are organs in our body that play an important role in filtering and excreting extra water and waste from the blood.

Kidney disease occurs when the kidneys are damaged and can’t filter out excess minerals or waste products in the blood and get rid of them effectively.

One of the main causes of kidney disease that might be managed by the DASH Diet is chronic and untreated high blood pressure that can damage the arteries around the kidneys, causing them to become narrow, weak, and less elastic.

If the kidney’s arteries are damaged, blood is unable to flow to the organs to deliver oxygen and nutrients properly. This causes the kidneys to malfunction and leads to kidney disease and possible kidney failure if left untreated.

Learn everything about kidney disease and find all the natural solutions to treat it naturally, including various diet programs, alternative medicine, vitamins, supplements, herbal medicine, and home remedies.

Why DASH Diet helps treat and prevent Kidney Disease

The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is a diet regimen that limits salt intake and incorporates healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats.

These foods contain significant amounts of magnesium, potassium, calcium, and fiber that can reduce blood pressure. This helps treat and prevent kidney disease because it stops the damage to the kidney’s blood vessels that is caused by high blood pressure.

Many studies show that the DASH diet may prevent kidney disease. For instance, the study, “DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet and Risk of Subsequent Kidney Disease,” showed that individuals who followed a diet different from the DASH diet were 16% more likely to develop kidney disease.

In addition, the DASH diet can slow down kidney damage because it reduces uric acid levels in the blood. This helps prevent the buildup of uric acid crystals in the kidneys, which can scar kidney tissue and prevent the kidneys from functioning properly.

The study, “Effects of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and Sodium Intake on Serum Uric Acid,” indicates that decreasing uric acid levels in the body exerts protective effects on kidney function and prevents the formation of kidney stones.

How DASH Diet works for Kidney Disease

The DASH diet helps treat kidney disease by lowering blood pressure and preventing the build-up of uric acid, which are some of the main risk factors that can lead to kidney disease. 

The DASH diet prevents can treat and prevent kidney disease because it can lower blood pressure by:


A. Restricting salt intake

Salt is a major factor that can increase blood pressure. When additional salt is introduced into the body, it disrupts the normal balance of sodium and fluid. This causes the kidneys to keep extra fluid in the body to maintain it. The extra fluid that the body retains causes an increase in blood pressure.

Restricting salt intake can help treat and prevent hypertension and can decrease the risk of heart disease.

The standard DASH diet limits salt intake to less than 2,300 mg per day. Meanwhile, the low sodium DASH diet is more restrictive and limits salt intake to less than 1,500 mg per day. In general, patients with severe hypertension should follow the low sodium DASH diet.


B. Consuming minerals that lower blood pressure

The DASH diet promotes foods rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which can help reduce blood pressure:

- Potassium:

The DASH diet provides the body with 4,700 mg of potassium per day.

Consuming potassium leads to sodium loss through urine. Therefore, the more potassium a person consumes, the less sodium the body retains, which decreases blood pressure.

Sources of potassium include fresh fruits and vegetables such as bananas, oranges, spinach, and broccoli.

- Magnesium:

The DASH diet provides the body with 30 mg of magnesium per day.

Magnesium is important because it helps the blood vessels relax. This allows blood to flow through them without exerting pressure on the vessel walls, which lowers blood pressure.

Sources of magnesium include whole grains and dark leafy vegetables such as spinach.

- Calcium:

The DASH diet provides the body with 1,250 mg of calcium per day.

Calcium is important because it regulates blood vessel contraction. It helps them relax or contract when needed, which lowers blood pressure.

Sources of calcium include dairy products and some green leafy vegetables.


The DASH diet provides 30 grams of fiber per day, which reduces blood pressure.

Sources of fiber include whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.

In the study, “Dietary fiber and blood pressure control,” researchers found that adding fiber to the diet can reduce blood pressure, especially in pre-hypertensive and hypertensive patients.


C - Eliminating unhealthy foods

The DASH diet allows large servings of fruits and vegetables which contain antioxidants. It also encourages the consumption of lean proteins like chicken, fish, or beans. It also limits the consumption of saturated fats, red meat, and sugar that might cause kidney disease to worsen.


D - Preventing the build-up of uric acid

The DASH diet can slow down and even prevent kidney damage by preventing the build-up of uric acid and reducing its levels in the blood. By lowering sodium intake and increasing the intake of potassium and magnesium, the DASH diet helps the body excrete uric acid more effectively.

The DASH Diet foods for Kidney Disease

- Grains: eat a variety of whole grains such as bulgur, oatmeal, millet, and brown rice. Whole grains are recommended because they are a good source of fiber and nutrients. Avoid eating refined grains such as white bread and pasta because they contain less fiber and nutrients.

- Vegetables: eat a variety of fresh vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, potatoes, and spinach. They are rich sources of potassium, magnesium, and fiber.

- Fruits: eat a variety of fresh fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges, and strawberries. They are important sources of potassium, magnesium, and fiber.

- Fat-free or low-fat dairy products: consume fat-free or low-fat milk and yogurt and low-fat cheeses since they are rich in calcium and protein. Avoid full-fat products because they are high in saturated fats.

- Lean meat, poultry, and fish: eat lean meat cuts, skinless chicken, and fish such as salmon and tuna. They are good sources of protein and magnesium. Bake or broil these foods and avoid frying them.

- Nuts, seeds, and legumes: eat nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts), seeds (sunflower seeds), and legumes (lentils and kidney beans) because they are rich sources of magnesium, fiber, and protein and provide the body with energy.

- Fats and oils: eat good types of fat such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in light salad dressing and some vegetable oils such as olive or canola oil. Fats provide energy and essential fatty acids.

DASH Diet for Kidney Disease: Nutritional Structure

The following nutrient breakdown recommendations for the DASH diet are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Recommended daily percentage

Total fat

27% of calories

Saturated fat

6% of calories


18% of calories


55% of calories



Recommended daily amounts


30 g/day


150 mg/day



Recommended daily amounts


2,300 mg/day


4,700 mg/day


1,250 mg/day


30 mg/day

Unlike many diets, the DASH diet is an eating plan that is encouraged for a lifetime. It is designed to incorporate all food groups and can be sustained for life with no serious negative side effects.

DASH Diet program for Kidney Disease

The DASH diet incorporates a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grain products, and low-fat dairy products. It includes nuts, legumes, poultry, and fish while relying on a limited amount of red meat and fats.

The diet contains foods rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It also includes fibers and protein, while avoiding high salt and high-fat products.

This table provides a typical daily serving of each food group incorporated in the DASH diet, based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Serving sizes should be adjusted according to the individual’s daily caloric needs to provide necessary nutrition or achieve a certain weight target.


Food Group


Example of 1 serving


6 to 8 daily servings (one serving of grains is around 80 calories)

- 1 slice of bread (~30 g)

- 1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta


4 to 5 daily servings (one serving is around 25 calories)

- 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables

- 1 cup of raw vegetables


4 to 5 daily servings (one serving is around 60 calories)

- 1 medium-sized fruit

Fat-free dairy & dairy products

2 to 3 daily servings (one serving is around 100 calories)

- 1 cup of milk (250ml)

- 3/4 cup of yogurt

Lean meat, poultry & fish

Less than 6 daily servings (one serving is around 45 calories)

- 30 g of lean meat, poultry or fish

Nut, seeds & legumes

4 to 5 servings per week (one serving of legumes is around 125 calories; one serving of seeds or nuts is around 45 calories)

- 1 tablespoon of seeds

- 4 walnut halves

- 6 cashews/almonds

Fats & oils

2 to 3 daily servings (one serving is around 45 calories)

- 1 teaspoon of oil

Sweets & added sugar

Less than 5 servings per week (calories differ based on the dessert)

- 60 g of cake

- 2 small cookies

DASH Diet for Kidney Disease: recommendations

-  Consume low-salt foods: Choose low-salt or no-added salt products if they are available.

- Flavor food with spices: replace salt with spices and herbs that are salt-free.

- Rinse out canned foods: tuna and beans canned foods are very high in salt. Rinse them well before eating to remove most of their salt content.


DASH diet for Kidney Disease: what you should avoid

- Salt: sodium intake is highly restricted on the DASH diet.

It’s very important to be aware of the salt content in your meals.

Check nutritional labels carefully, especially for processed foods. You should always try to:

  • Limit adding condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and soy sauce to foods as they contain a lot of salt.
  • Limit the consumption of pickled foods such as cucumbers and olives because they are very high in salt.
  • Limit the consumption of processed foods such as ham, turkey, and bacon in the diet because they contain high amounts of salt.
  • Avoid eating frozen or canned foods and breakfast cereals as they are high in salt.

- Sugar: limit added sugar in the diet because it has no additional nutritional value and contributes to extra calories. Plus, sugar has inflammatory effects and is not beneficial for overall health.

- Saturated fats: limit the intake of saturated fats such as animal fats found in red meat, eggs, full-fat dairy products, and vegetable oils such as coconut and palm oil. A high intake of saturated fats is associated with an increased lipid profile, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

- Egg yolk: the DASH diet advises limiting egg yolk consumption because it may increase cholesterol levels. A person can eat a maximum of 4 egg yolks per week.

 Check out the different points of view on egg yolk in the “Debatable topics” section.

- Trans-fats: avoid trans-fats that are usually found in processed foods like crackers, baked goods, and fried foods. These fats contain high amounts of salt and bad fats that increase the lipid profile and elevate blood pressure.

DASH Diet for Kidney Disease: precautions

Consult your doctor or healthcare provider before trying the DASH diet if you are taking blood pressure medication or potassium pills. You may need to adjust their dosage before starting the diet.

The DASH diet is recommended for all individuals. However, some people who have the following conditions should take precautions before trying the diet:

Chronic kidney disease: the DASH diet may contain too much potassium for people with kidney disease. Since they cannot excrete potassium properly, the body’s potassium levels remain high. This condition is called hyperkalemia, and it may cause heart attacks or even death.

The DASH diet is NOT recommended for people with kidney disease who are on dialysis. They should discuss their dietary options with a dietician who can provide an eating plan that is best suited for their specific needs.

Some people may need to modify the DASH diet. This is because they may have the following food intolerances:

- Lactose intolerance: individuals with lactose intolerance should incorporate lactose-free alternatives into the diet.

- Gluten intolerance (or Celiac disease): people who are intolerant to gluten should incorporate gluten-free alternatives into the diet.

DASH Diet for Kidney Disease: side effects

Some people on the DASH diet may encounter the following side effects:

- Gas and bloating: some individuals may experience gas and bloating due to the high fiber content in the diet. If discomfort occurs, fiber can be added gradually to the diet until the body is well adjusted, instead of incorporating all fiber-containing foods at once.

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