You CAN Detox Your Body: Research Supports Ayurvedic Cleansing

Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, an Ayurvedic specialist and leader in natural medicine, explains the science behind Ayurvedic detox practices.

You CAN Detox Your Body: Research Supports Ayurvedic Cleansing

By: John Douillard
February 15, 2020

While many detoxification programs seem to make up for lack of research with great packaging, testimonials, and marketing, this does not mean all detoxification programs are bogus, as some experts claim.

In fact, the benefits and effectiveness of cleanses are well-documented. In this article, I highlight only a few of the studies suggesting the effectiveness and need for cleansing.

Why Detox?

Some experts believe the body’s natural ability to detoxify is perfect and cannot be improved.

I would agree that the body has a natural ability to detoxify even the most harmful toxins, such as heavy metals, but science shows that with toxic environmental exposure and a stressed nervous system resulting in weakened digestive/detox function, these toxins find their way into fat cells and brain tissue.

In a world where mercury is each leaf of organic spinach from coal mine plumes covering most of America, a country into which some four billion pounds of toxins are dumped each year, it is essential to have a strong digestive system and well-functioning detox pathways. This can be achieved with intelligent cleansing techniques backed by science.

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