Greg Da Santos, a mechanical engineer, former eczema sufferer, and eczema healing health coach, does not recommend that people put coconut oil on their skin because coconut oil tricks the body into thinking that area has been healed, and delays the body’s natural healing processes from forming new, healthy skin.

Why I don't recommend Coconut Oil for Eczema

April, 2016

The Complete Guide to Healing Eczema | Coaching | Ebook | Blog | Healing Plan.

Why I don't recommend Coconut Oil for Eczema - thanks for watching!

I couldn’t believe that in a world where it is possible to put a man on the moon, or fly a plane from one continent to another, it was impossible for the skin of a human to be permanently healed.  I heard time and time again from authoritative sources, that my skin would never heal, but somewhere within me, I knew that the knowledge was out there – it just needed combining into a concise place, and applied consistently.  I spent an embarrassing amount of money on products that really did nothing but confuse me further, and left me feeling even more lost when the money was gone, but the eczema returned.  I don't recommend coconut oil for eczema either, because ultimately, the body knows what it is doing, and doesn't need our help.

The truth is, you do not need to purchase any products to get rid of eczema.  If you are well enough to sit up and watch these videos, you are well enough to embark upon a healing journey to health and vitality.  Please make sure you are fully awake, aware, and have plenty of time to read and absorb the information contained on these pages.  I reached the point where I was no longer interested in ‘learning to live with eczema’, I wanted it gone forever.  My aim with the information contained in these videos is to educate you to a place where you are able to take control, and guide your body back to health.

Why I don't recommend Coconut Oil for Eczema

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