Middle Ear Infections

This article indicates there is little scientific evidence to prove that homeopathic remedies can manage ear infections.

Middle Ear Infections


  • Acute otitis media
  • AOM

Studied Homeopathic Remedies

  • Pulsatilla
  • Belladonna
  • Aconitum napellus
  • Ferrum phosphoricum

Acute otitis media (AOM) is a painful infection of the middle ear, the portion of the ear behind the eardrum. (Another form of ear infection, otitis externa or swimmer's ear, is entirely different and is not covered here.) AOM often follows a cold, sore throat, or other respiratory illness. Although it can affect adults, AOM occurs primarily in infants and young children. It's estimated that by age 7, up to 95% of all U.S. children will have experienced at least one bout of AOM—it's the most common reason parents take a child to the doctor.

When the Eustachian tube connecting the upper part of the throat to the middle ear is blocked by a cold's mucus and swelling, fluids pool behind the eardrum, providing an ideal place for bacteria to grow. An infection may set in, generating even more fluid. The pressure this exerts on the eardrum can be intensely painful. The eardrum turns red and bulges. Children too young to explain their discomfort cry, fuss, and pull at their ears. They might also appear unresponsive because they can't hear well—fluid build-up in the middle ear prevents the eardrum and small bones in the ear from moving, causing temporary hearing loss.

Most hearing loss associated with AOM ends when the infection is treated. However, recurring ear infections and their accompanying short-term hearing losses may affect a child's speech and language development. In addition, even after the infection goes away, fluid may remain, causing a complication called secretory otitis media (fluid build-up in the middle ear), which can cause continuous hearing loss for months. Other possible, though rare, complications of AOM include mastoiditis (an infection of the bone behind the ear) and spinal meningitis.

Scientific Evaluations of Homeopathic Remedies for Middle Ear Infections

A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 38 children and young adolescents evaluated the effectiveness of Pulsatilla D2 in the treatment of otitis media.1 However, the tested remedy failed to prove more effective than placebo.

Two studies compared homeopathic treatment to standard treatment for ear infections.2,3 However, these studies were not double-blind, and for that reason alone the results mean little. In addition, there is some controversy regarding whether standard treatment is very much more effective than no treatment.4–8 Therefore, even if they had been performed correctly, these studies wouldn’t have provided much in the way of information.

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