This video discusses how to reduce inflammation by balancing out the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6. It also mentions different dietary sources of omega-3.
How to Reduce Inflammation and Get More Omega-3 Fats in Your Diet
Jun 5, 2011
The average American has a ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fats of 1:45! Researchers say we need a ratio close to 1:1 for optimal health. Find out why omega-3 fats are so important for your health.
Omega-3 fats are used by your body to reduce inflammation. There should be a natural balance between Omega-3 fats and Omega-6 fats in your body. The Omega-6 fats are used to increase inflammation, to stimulate healing and an immune system response. When your Omega fats are so far out of balance, your immune system gets overactive and can lead to massive inflammation and autoimmune disorders, heart disease, cancer and many other illnesses.
Great sources of Omega-3 fats include flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, deep sea wild salmon, fish oil, flax seed oil, and hemp seeds.