How Ginseng May Help Control Blood Sugar

Ana Maria Kausel, MD, explains ginseng moderate interactions with certain diabetes medications, including the side effects from taking ginseng.

How Ginseng May Help Control Blood Sugar

October 2020
Ana Maria Kausel

Ginseng—in particular American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)—is among the most well-known and widely used herbal medicines in the world. The root of the ginseng plant has been used for thousands of years in traditional Eastern medicine to boost energy, relieve stress, and bring about total body balance. Ginseng has been studied as a therapy to help control blood sugar, improve circulation, bolster immunity, improve stamina, and increase resistance to stress.

Ginseng also is known to contain several antioxidant compounds called ginsenosides, which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.2 Because these are two major contributing factors in the progression of diabetes, people with the disease may want to understand better what research has found and to consider whether ginseng might be a safe and viable part of managing diabetes.


A 2014 review of 16 different studies focused on those that used randomized, controlled groups for 30 days or longer in people who had diabetes and those who didn't.

The resulting meta-analysis revealed that people supplementing with ginseng had significantly improved fasting blood glucose levels compared to control groups. The herb did not, however, have a significant effect on A1C, fasting insulin, or insulin resistance.

In contrast, a 2016 meta-analysis of eight studies found the benefits of using ginseng as part of a treatment program for type 2 diabetes included improved fasting glucose levels, postprandial (after eating) insulin, and insulin resistance, with no significant effects on A1C.4 The study also found improved triglycerides, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) as a result of using ginseng.

Yet another study, in 2019, found when ginseng was used along with oral medications for type 2 diabetes, such as metformin), participants experienced lower systolic blood pressure, fewer blood lipid markers, and increased nitric oxide generation. These findings suggest ginseng may improve endothelial function (an indication of the health of the inner lining of blood vessels) and protect against cardiovascular disease.


Ginseng affects multiple organs and systems throughout the body and so should be used with caution. It's unknown how ginseng may affect a developing baby and so women who are pregnant should not take it. Ginseng is regarded as unsafe for infants and children.

Evidence suggests ginseng may cause difficulty with blood clotting, so you'll want to speak with your doctor before using the supplement if you take any medications such as warfarin that affect the blood.

Ginseng also should not be taken by people who have hormone-sensitive tumors (breast cancer, for example) or hormone-sensitive conditions such as endometriosis.

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