Homeopathic Prophylaxis of Headaches and Migraine? A Systematic Review

This review suggests homeopathy isn’t effective in the treatment of migraines and any positive results are due to the placebo effect.

Homeopathic Prophylaxis of Headaches and Migraine? A Systematic Review

By: Edzard Ernst MD, PhD, FRCP (Edin)
November 1999


Homeopathy is often advocated as a prophylaxis of migraine and headaches. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the clinical trials, testing the efficacy of homeopathy for these indications. Independent computerized literature searches were carried out in 4 databases. Only randomized, placebo-controlled trials were included. Four such studies were found. Their methodological quality was variable but, on average, satisfactory. One study suggested that homeopathic remedies were effective. The other, methodologically stronger trials did not support this notion. It is concluded that the trial data available to date do not suggest that homeopathy is effective in the prophylaxis of migraine or headache beyond a placebo effect.

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