Dr. Berg explains that glucose is the main reason behind the blocked arteries not cholesterol. He recommends following the keto diet to improve heart health.
High Fat Ketogenic Diet & Clogged Arteries
Dr. Berg answers the question "will doing a high fat ketogenic diet clog your arteries?" It sounds logical that adding fat to the body will increase more fat in the arteries and on the body, however, that’s not how it works. Hormones turn calories into different things. The main hormone insulin is responsible for changing carbs into clogged arteries and fat on your body. If you keep insulin low by keeping carbs low - the dietary fat will not clog the arteries nor will it end up making you fat. Insulin is very inflammatory and can also start the progressive inflammatory process of your arteries.
Hey guys, dr. berg here and in this video we are going to talk about will doing a high fat ketogenic diet clog your arteries. Just from the pure observation of eating more fat and a fatty clogged artery, it sounds logical that if you were to eat fat you are going to get a clogged artery. It sounds logical that you would eat more fat and then get more fat in your body but it is not how it works in the body because in the body there is a various hormones that tell certain types of calories what to convert into and the hormone that tells the body whether to clog or clean out the artery really is called insulin. Insulin is like the switch that converts fat into the body storage and also clogs arteries. Insulin is a very inflammatory hormone if you have too much of it you could get a lot of inflammation which can set you up for a whole series of events from the body starts healing the inflammation in the arteries with a combination of the cholesterols, calcium and fibrous kind of a connective tissue to form a little bit of a clot. What started that would be the high levels of insulin, not necessarily consuming cholesterol. Cholesterol is made by almost every single cell in the body. Your body makes about 3,000mg of cholesterol every single day. 3,000mg of cholesterol is equal to 300 strips of bacon, about a pound of butter or 14 eggs. Your body makes a lot of cholesterol. When you consume more fat, your body just makes less. That’s how it works. What really creates this clogged arteries is high levels of insulin by consuming too many carbohydrates. If you were to cut your carbohydrates down, like the breads, pasta, cereal, crackers, things like that, and sugar. If you would cut that down, you would notice your cholesterol would go way down. Also your triglycerides and your bad cholesterol will go way down. If you were to increase the sugar and the insulin, your cholesterol goes up and you should even experiment yourself to see if this is true for you. But what I want to give you is I have a little mini course that is very quick and you can probably get it done in maybe 20 minutes on ketosis to give you the basics. I show you how it works, what to eat, the tweaks that I am going to recommend and the side effects.