Dr. Troy Dreiling, Chiropractor, recommends chiropractic therapy for treating digestion problems.

Digestive Issues Chiropractic - Dr. Troy - Vancouver, Wa

December 2015

Vancouver chiropractor Dr. Troy Dreiling explains how digestive issues such as acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, crohn's disease, and colic can be cared for using chiropractic adjustments.

Setup your free consultation by calling 360-718-9661.

Zenaptic Chiropractic
3021 NE 72nd Avenue, Suite 15
Vancouver, Wa 98661

Located near Andresen and Fourth Plain Blvd. Many insurances accepted.


Dr. Troy here, the digestive improvement chiropractor at Zenaptic Chiropractic.

I am happy to help people with digestive issues. One of the things we see that is very common and chiropractic is successful with is acid reflux. We also help with constipation and diarrhea issues, those things can be related to a chiropractic problem; irritable bowel, colic, Crohn’s disease. These things can be improved potentially with chiropractic care.

I want to explain how. We know the digestive system, the colon, the small intestine, the stomach is all controlled from your squash, from your brain. There is a direct line, the vagus nerve, which comes up the cervical, if that is interfered with due to vertebral misalignment it can interfere with that brain stem and you can get things like acid reflux.

I’ve had a patient tell me that the only thing that can help her acid reflux is to get adjusted. The only way to know is to get checked. How do we check you? We do an examination to determine is your spine out of alignment. We take specific digital x-rays to see if there’s a misalignment in there and then we let you know.

One of the other great things we found for digestion and other things is called wuji chlorella. It’s a whole food, multivitamin, amazing product. If there was one product that we would tell you to get on it would be wuji chlorella. It helps improve your digestion, we’ve also seen it help with blood sugar issues and cholesterol issues.

One of the main things it has, it’s called the growth factor. It helps your RNA and DNA repair faster. If you have womb healing, digestive issues this actually makes the flora in your stomach four times more effective. It’s an amazing product, I can’t say enough about it.

You combine chlorella with spinal adjustments to get the nerve system working and we get the body back on track. That little purple pill, Nexium doesn’t correct anything. We want to see what’s causing your body not to function right and we always stay in chiropractic land especially with digestion, all movement is good movement. Now that we are talking about digestive complaints, even a bowel movement.

This is Dr. Troy. If you have any digestive issues come see us, we would be happy to check you. We have a no charge consultation. 

Dr. Troy, the Zenaptic chiropractor.


More info: http://www.zenapticchiropractic.com/c...

Wuji Chlorella can be purchased at http://www.zenapticchiropractic.com/p....

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