Dr. Mini Nair, an Ayurvedic physician, explains how Ayurveda can treat diabetes.

Can one cure Diabetes Type 2 by Ayurveda? - Dr. Mini Nair

Oct 16, 2018

When a person gets his  blood sugar  checked  and finds that there is  an increase in the blood sugar  levels, immediately they are advised medications. This medication infect is  to bring  down the blood sugar level and is  not to treat the diabetes as a whole  because what we see is  inspite blood sugar  levels  remaining low, people suffer  from complications like diabetic  neuropathy congestive  cardiac issues kidney failure, blindness etc. we are  talking  about type  2 diabetes. Why does this happen? This is because the medication masks the condition by bringing down the blood sugar levels. In Ayurveda the diabetes is correlated to madhumeha where all the three doshas, the vata, pitta and kapha are in imbalance. There is no single mode of management. It is complete lifestyle change because what we see it is a resultant of a long period of a  faulty lifestyle. So it takes equal amount of time to get it reversed. There are basic methods to reverse diabetes especially among youngsters because they are the maximum ones suffering because of  faulty lifestyle and becoming obese or overweight. The first method is to control the diet. What  people do is  take off carbohydrate, instead take out refined carbohydrates and incorporate  fruits and vegetables  that are rich in vitamins and minerals and  along with unrefined  carbohydrates  like the  whole grain because this is  rich in fibre  that is  essential. The next is exercise to reduce your body weight because obesity to reduce body weight. Here obesity is one of the primary reasons to become diabetic. Exposure to early morning sunlight is essential to fight diabetes. Do not sleep during the daytime. The next factor is stress. Yoga and meditation keeps the mind calm and keeps the complication of diabetes due to stress. The other factor is to incorporate certain spices in the diet like turmeric, fenugreek, cinnamon fights the insulin resistance from the body. These helps in reversing diabetes. But in some cases the toxic build-up is so much that in spite of following all this their blood sugar   does not come down. In such conditions the detoxification programme of Ayurveda, what we call as the panchkarma treatment is essential to get off the toxicity and follow healthy lifestyle. With this there can be lot of changes, in paediabetic people it is seen to reverse diabetic status. In diabetic  we can avoid complication and improve the quality of life.

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