Dr. Gurudatta H K, Naturopath and Acupuncture consultant, explains that Acupuncture can help manage arthritis symptoms to a certain extent but it can't heal this condition, especially if it is quite advanced and complex.

Can Acupuncture completely cure Arthritis? - Dr. Gurudatta H K

September 2017

This is a question which many patients ask, whether acupuncture can take you off completely from arthritis. Let us understand first what is arthritis. Arthritis is nothing but inflammation of the joint. If it is infective arthritis, then probably yes, it can help you to get off along with regular modern medicine. If it is inflammatory arthritis, it can also be helped, unless there is a severe damage done to the joint capsule and the synovial fluid and cartilage. If it is not much damage then acupuncture can certainly help. But in case of Psoriatic arthritis and in case of degenerative arthritis, already if there is any damage done to a great extent, then I don’t think so that acupuncture can help to heal arthritis. It can help certainly to manage your symptoms, probably be away from symptoms for a long period of time but they may come back depending on many other conditions. If you are gaining weight, if your lifestyle is not good, all those factors also need to be taken into consideration. But overall what I can say is that to a great extent acupuncture can manage the symptoms of arthritis and in certain cases also help you to keep the symptoms away to a large extent. If I have to say cute, then it might be difficult to say that. Cure is something that once you treat with acupuncture, you are completely off the disease and it never comes back and it is difficult to commit for and anybody who is committing for that, I don’t think so that they are doing the right thing. So ultimately, acupuncture is of great help to manage the symptoms, but not completely heal it.

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