Alicia Sudol, an Ayurveda Practitioner, explains how different Ayurvedic, foods, herbs, and treatments can help treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Alzheimer's Disease: Diet, Herbs, Remedies

Nov 7, 2020

A mental and neurological disorder, especially in older age has become more prevalent in the modern world, explains Alicia Sudol (Ayurveda Practitioner).  Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease of the mind that's clinically characterized by progressive cognitive failures, such as changes in personality, loss of the capacity to form and recover new memories, and loss of the ability to navigate to the most recognizable surroundings and loss of judgment.​
The specific cause of AD remains unknown but factors such as genetic, older age, hypertension, obesity, smoking, family history, Down's syndrome, and even excessive air pollution are thought to be some of the reasons behind AD.​
The development of AD differs for every individual. Even though they may share the exact symptoms, the rate of development may vary. It usually starts off with short term memory loss, where the person may not remember what he just completed,​
AD is one of the most expensive conditions to manage. Presently, approved drugs for the treatment of dementia and related diseases are cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs), specifically Donepezil, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine which have been demonstrated to enhance cognitive, behavioral purposes.​
Ayurvedic Understanding of Alzheimer's Disease: The Tridoshas are the pillars of Ayurveda. All bodily functions depend on vata, kapha and pitta doshas. A balanced condition of those dosha keeps the body in a healthy condition and imbalance of the very same leads to the manifestation of different diseases.​
Snehana helps in the removal of excessive drying which is caused because of increased Vata dosha. Snehana may be outside oil application in the kind of Abhyanga (massage), Shirodhara, Shiro abhyanga, Shirobasti, or internal management of the medicated ghee.​
Shodhana is to remove excessive Vata dosha, which may be accomplished by Basti (medicated enema), Virechana (purgation), and Nasya (nasal setup of medication ). Ayurveda has numerous herbs that are nerve tonic and improve memory function. The palliative treatment of Ayurveda helps in the recovery of the depleted body tissue with no or minimal side effects.​
Medicinal Herbs for Alzheimer's Disease: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) plays a very important role in Alzheimer's administration since it's an excellent antioxidant and contains anti-inflammatory properties. It stimulates nerve endings and also to ease the oxygen supply to cells.​
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is a fantastic brain tonic that enhances oxygen supply to the mind and assists in proper functioning. It's a wonderful herb to restore diminished memory and concentration.
The activities of the Brahmi herb within the brain region make it an excellent tonic to help improve the mental capabilities of the person. It promotes a relaxed state of mind and nerves, dispersing calmness.​
Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) calms the nervous system and is prescribed in nervous disease linked to stress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, etc..​
Turmeric (Curcuma longa), is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal. Turmeric is a wonderful antioxidant and it's beneficial in dementia.
Internal use of coconut oil is a wonderful medication for dementia. Coconut oil is full of ketones and is really good food for brain cells.
Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus) is used as a memory enhancer to enhance cognitive functions.
Unless one makes lifestyle alterations, an Ayurveda treatment can't be complete. A healthy diet that includes fresh veggies and fruits is crucial. Exercise on a regular basis can help in keeping oneself healthy. Meditation and yoga are also recommended in addition to sleeping at regular intervals to maintain the mind activated.

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