Acne before and after Alkaline Diet

Dr. Daryl Gioffre, celebrity nutritionist, Doctor of Chiropractor, explains how the alkaline diet can help treat acne. According to him, most skin problems are because the blood is acidic.

Alkaline Diet Before And After

From Dr. Daryl Gioffre

If you’ve ever struggled with acne, rosacea or skin redness, hair loss, or even just the effects of aging on skin and hair, you know that the conventional treatments out there don’t always work.

You can slather on all of the chemical treatments you want, but stubborn skin and hair problems just won’t go away on their own. Why? Because you never got down to the root cause, the toxicities and deficiencies that were causing all of these issues in the first place!

Fortunately, there is a better way, and that’s to treat your skin, nails, and hair from the inside out. All of those health and beauty issues have one common denominator…ACID!

What I love about eating the alkaline way is that the same foods that are perfect for nourishing your body on the inside also make your body look great on the outside. I want you to know, the health benefits of living an alkaline lifestyle go far beyond skin, hair, and nails.

So let’s walk through some of my favorite strategies to help you alkalize and energize your body so you can have the naturally glossy, beautiful hair and glowing, blemish free skin you want, as well as slowing down the effects of premature aging in your body.


It will make your skin glow.

Whether you’re dealing with acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, or wrinkled skin, there is one common denominator – ALL skin problems are ACID problems!  Your skin is the ‘3rd kidney’ and is the largest organ of the body, and is an important organ for your body to detoxify itself.

You have four major detoxification pathways – urination, defecation, respiration, and perspiration.  Any time you see ANYTHING show up on your skin, again, it’s a sign that you are acidic and your body is fighting like heck to get these acids out. When you see the signs and symptoms show themselves on your skin, it’s time to alkalize.

No matter what the manifestation is on your skin, chances are it begins and ends with what you eat, and sugar and grains are the biggest culprits.  I suggest cutting back or fully eliminating them from your diet.

I also recommend using a rebounder daily for ten minutes. The rebounder, or mini trampoline, will lymphatically drain and pull out the toxins from your tissues and into the blood like a vacuum. From there, with enough water, your body will eliminate the toxins out of the body instead of going through the skin.

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