10 Arthritis Food Myths

The “Arthritis foundation” rejects the claim that the alkaline diet can help in treating arthritis. However, the foundation of this conclusion is based on a common misconception about the alkaline diet. The “Arthritis foundation” stated that “Citrus is also blamed for inflammation because of acidity. But they are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory benefits”. Actually, one of the main food components of the alkaline diet is citrus. However, this is one of the misconceptions that many have about the alkaline diet because they think that the diet restricts “acidic foods” while actually the alkaline diet restricts “acid promoting foods” i.e. the effect of the food after being metabolized. To understand more about the diet misconceptions, and the difference between “acid foods” and “acid promoting foods”, you can check our section about the “Alkaline diet misconceptions” to understand more about this and how it works.

10 Arthritis Food Myths

4. Alkaline Diet

Acidic foods – like meat and processed foods – are blamed for inflammation. Some claim that eating “alkalizing” foods like fruits, vegetables and specific grains will restore the body’s proper pH balance. But many factors affect pH like how your kidneys work. But you can’t go wrong with eating fewer processed foods and more fruits and veggies.

5. Citrus

Citrus is also blamed for inflammation because of acidity. But they are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory benefits. Remember that grapefruit juice can interact with certain arthritis medicines though.

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