September 2015

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As recent discoveries have the potential to change the paradigm of how MPN and MDS are diagnosed and treated, it is imperative that healthcare professionals who treat these diseases are provided expert review of the most pertinent clinical data pertaining to prognosis, diagnosis, therapy and disease management and guidance for their optimal integration into everyday clinical practice.

The US Focus on Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Myelodysplastic Syndromes 2015 provides a platform to resolve many of the clinical challenges for diagnosis and treatment through presentations and interactive discussions of the latest clinical and research findings pertaining to MPN and MDS. Topics that will be deliberated include updates in therapeutic interventions of MDS, polycythemia vera, essential thrombocytopenia and myelofibrosis.

In this presentation, Dr. Michael Savona discusses why, when, and how to use iron chelation therapy in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes.