Jul 27, 2019
The ear is an organ considered in the ENT department or the Ear, Nose and Throat. There is a reason why these three organs are connected to each other anything happening on any one organs is going to impact the other two ad hat is the reasons why ear pain can have multiple applications, ear pain may necessarily bean ear issue it can be a threat issue, in which case there will be a referred pain in the era. It can be a sinus issue and your nose is blocked and when you suck in your mucus and the mucus gets attached to the membrane where it can hurt. If there is a ocl boil in your ear the ear would pain where there is a boil because the tissue over there is extremely tightly stretched. It dos not have any space for pus. So first of all there are medicines like chamomilla, pulsatilla which we use for ear pain in which there is a pus formation. The condition is called as CSOM (chronic suppurative otitis media) or ASOM (Acute suppurative otitis media) . But having said that it is a good idea to get yourself diagnosed why there is pain in the ear. If there is unilateral pain, that is one sided pain, consider that your throat could be troubled and there is a boil in your ear. If you have t with fever then there is infection, if there is no fever, acute pain, it could be because the drum has a lot of mucus behind it and the mucous is ready to come out. Please get it examined and treat the cause. Ear pain is just a symptom.