Losing weight can be a difficult process - not made any easier by the conflicting, and often dangerous, advice out there in the world. We are constantly bombarded with TV programmes, advertising and social media feeds full of pictures of food, and the presence of these can make the temptation to veer away from healthy or intuitive eating very strong.

Then there are weight loss pills and other commercial weight reducing programmes which focus upon restricting what you eat, rather than considering how you eat, or what you think about the food you are putting into your body. It's no surprise to have developed certain negative mindsets around what we put in our bodies.

Hypnosis for weight loss can be an effective method in challenging these mindsets and moments of temptation, helping you to live a healthier life.

The aim of hypnotherapy for weight loss is to make you feel confident about your body, change negative thoughts about eating and help you lose weight responsibly, without impacting your emotional well-being. By targeting the unconscious mind with powerful suggestion techniques, a hypnotherapist can help you develop a positive relationship with food and exercise, which is key to healthy weight loss and long-term weight management.

Do I need to lose weight?

A lot of people insist they need to lose weight, whether they're overweight or not. But the truth is, very few people are happy with the shape and size of their bodies, regardless of whether they need to lose weight.