Dr. Ravi Joshi

Skin conditions are often affected by the seasons and can become increasingly worse in the fall and winter months. Skin is an organ which represents some inner abnormalities and stress conditions within one’s body. Tvak (Skin) is just like a mirror reflection and manifesting various type of inner abnormality or diseased condition.

In Ayurveda, major skin diseases have been classified under the heading of Kustha. According to Ayurvedic classics, the word Nidana (Causative Factors) carries two meanings viz., causative factors and diagnosis. It is very important to know the cause of a disease, because in any disease where the cause is known, treatment becomes very easy.

At the end of this article, you can see pics of results of Ayurvedic treatments for different skin disorders by the highly-experienced doctors of Veda5 Ayurveda & Panchakarma Retreat in Rishikesh, India.

Some Common Skin diseases are Eczema, Contact Dermatitis, Atopic Dermatitis or Psoriasis

Eczema is inflammation of outer layer of skin with itching. Eczema is more common in cities, polluted areas and in the northern part of the world. In Ayurveda the symptoms of eczema is compared with Vicharchika.

Psoriasis is a Inflammation and redness around the scales is fairly common. Typical psoriatic scales are whitish-silver and develop in thick, red patches. Sometimes these patches will crack and bleed. . In Ayurveda the symptoms of psoriasis is compared with Ekakustha.

Contact Dermatitis is a red, itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it. The rash isn’t contagious or life-threatening, but it can be very uncomfortable. In Ayurveda the symptoms of Contact Dermatitis is compared with Charma kustha.

Atopic Dermatitis is the most common form of eczema. It often affects people who also have: Asthma or hay fever, Family history of eczema, asthma, or hay fever. Defects in the skin barrier, allowing moisture out and germs in Atopic dermatitis usually begins during infancy or childhood. But it can strike people at any age. Most often, it affects skin on the: Face, Hands, Feet, Inner Elbows and Back of the Knees.

According to Ayurveda, all these skin diseases are caused because of vitiation of all the three doshas namely – kapha, pitta and vata.
In conventional medicine the root cause of skin problem is not clearly understood, but abnormal immune function and hereditary factors are thought to play a major role.

Aggravating factors include seasonal changes, certain foods, environmental allergens, pet dander, soaps, detergents, some fabrics, hot water, and bodily sweat.

Certain high allergy foods such as wheat, gluten, soy, corn, and dairy are believed be causes, but efforts to omit lots of items from the daily diet can be frustrating and almost impossible and may not make any difference in the long run.

In any case, it is best to start with the basic guidelines offered here along with a well-rounded individualized Ayurvedic program and over time take further measures with dietary restrictions if needed.

In Ayurveda, psoriasis is a similar condition to eczema in that it has much of the same root causes, so herbal treatment and dietary and lifestyle recommendations are also similar.