There are few things in life as liberating as discovering your metabolic type, few things as enlightening as finally coming to understand exactly what foods and food combinations will enable you to thoroughly enjoy your life and live it to the fullest.
Most of us have been slaves to food in one way or another all our lives. Quite literally, what we eat controls every aspect of our existence -- how we look and feel, our range of productivity and performance, the quality of our emotional experiences, whether we stay well or fall prey to disease, even the quality of our sleep and the nature of our dreams.
When we don't understand how specific foods affect us, eating becomes a daily struggle. We struggle to feel satisfied, to fight the battle of the bulge, or just to feel decently from one hour to the next.
Once you recognize your metabolic individuality, however, everything changes. The balance shifts, the tables are turned -- suddenly you're the one in control of food, it's not in control of you. Eating right is no longer a complex challenge and food is no longer your adversary. When you know how to choose foods that effectively sustain your body's unique style of functioning, eating is what it should be -- easy and enjoyable.
Imagine the sense of excitement and empowerment you'll have the first time you go to the supermarket and select groceries in a truly well informed and targeted way -- rather than being forced to make purchases in a random, haphazard fashion, based largely on guesswork about what might or might not be good for you or your family.
Think of the freedom you'll experience once you're able to identify, with certainty, what kind of meals or snacks can make you feel great and give you high levels of energy and endurance for hours at a time.
Won't it will be exhilarating to know exactly what you can eat anytime you need to be at your best for a business presentation or a tennis match, to take an exam or embark on a long road trip? What's more important than knowing how to choose just the right sustenance to enable you to put in a long day at the office, enjoy your kids, pursue your hobbies, write a novel, or burn the midnight oil in any one of a thousand different ways?
It's not an exaggeration to say that, once you identify your metabolic type and begin to eat accordingly, your life will never be the same. It's literally like having a blindfold removed, and experiencing a whole new dimension in life. You'll wonder how you've managed to function all these years without this kind of fundamental self-awareness.