May 2020

In this lesson we take a look at the Cytokine Storm that we are seeing in some of our COVID-19 patients.  This is a very serious complication that is developing in a subset of these patients and unfortunately is not having a good outcome for these patients.

I start off with Immunology 101 with a very quick overview of the immune system and specifically talking about what cytokines are, the different types of cytokines as well as what some of these cytokine do. I make mention of some of the cytokines that appear to be playing specific roles in this cytokine storm.

Next I explain more about the cytokine storm and what that actually means for our patients and what is happening with the immune system when they have this reaction. I also walk through a basic overview of the progression of the immune response, leading to the cytokine storm, as well as the effects that it has on the body.

From there we talk about the different tests that can help us to identify or diagnose that our patients are experiencing this cytokine storm, or at risk to do so.  Unfortunately we don't have any objective test.  Finally I talk a little about the treatment and some of the potential medications that are being looked at to prevent or possible lessen the impact of this hyper-inflammatory response.