November 2018
Authored by Michael Stewart, Reviewed by Sid Dajani
About potassium citrate
Cystitis means inflammation of the bladder. It is usually caused by a urine infection. Typical symptoms are pain when you pass urine and passing urine more frequently. Your urine may also become cloudy and smelly. It is particularly common in women. A short course of antibiotics may be prescribed for you, although mild cases often improve on their own without the need for any treatment as your own immune system can often clear the infection.
Potassium citrate is a product that is sometimes recommended for the treatment of mild cystitis. It may help to relieve the discomfort, although there is no strong evidence of its benefit. It works by making the urine less acidic. It can be bought without a prescription at pharmacies and other retail outlets.
Note: if you are pregnant, male or have a medical condition, you should always see a doctor if you think you have cystitis because you may need to be treated with antibiotics. Men are advised to drink at least one litre of water and seek medical attention if your symptoms last longer than three hours