As we age, it’s natural for changes to take place within our body and mind. But, just as you can stay physically healthy by eating the right foods, you can also maintain brain health well into old age by adding right-for-your-type “smart” fruits and veggies to your plate several times a week.

This chart features some Super Beneficial brain foods right for your type:

Type O Beet Greens, Collard Greens, Seaweed, Plum, Blueberry
Type A Broccoli, Kale, Escarole, Blackberry, Cherry
Type B Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Onion, Cranberry, Watermelon
Type AB Parsnip, Pineapple, Broccoli, Cherry, Ginger

For more brain superfoods, check out Dr. Peter D'Adamo's book, Aging: Fight It With The Blood Type Diet.