What are natural treatments for diabetes? Well, there are a lot of them, and instead of just listing them all off here and having you go and try them, I thought I want to expand a little bit on the concepts from the last video, can you cure diabetes, and go into a little more detail. Video links:
Milk thistle https://amzn.to/2VBLWxQ or
you can see a look at the how these treatments fit into this broader concept of impurity of improving cellular function, and we'll look at the role of toxins, the role of digestion, the role of inflammation, diet herbs, and home blood glucose monitoring, and look at how all that fits together and how you can use those to improve your blood sugar control. Now, if you watch the last video, you should understand at least in part how you can cure your diabetes in a general sense at least. in the last video, we discussed this idea of improving cellular function, and in this video, we want to discuss that a little in a little further detail. the idea of improving cellular function and how that fits into improving blood sugar control and treatment for diabetes, toxins are all around us, they're in the air, they're in food that we eat, they're in our homes, they're in the water we drink sometimes there, and our workplace. They all around us and as a result of that, our livers can and do get altered function as a result of those toxins, and that everybody's gonna have this problem but depending on your burden for toxins. If you have a lot or some people are more genetically susceptible to these toxins, specific toxins, then you may have more of a problem there, but our livers do have to deal with these toxins as a result. It can alter the efficiency of your liver to process glucose. Now, your liver acts as a reserve for a lot of the stored glucose in your body, and that's stored glucose is called glycogen. If your liver is inflamed or there's lots of toxins, it may not be able to store that may have limited ability to store those carbohydrates leading to higher blood sugar levels. That’s one scenario. In addition, muscles all the tissues in our body really but muscles specifically, the metabolism of those muscles can get altered deranged from increased toxins as well, and the muscles are specifically where a lot of the carbohydrates and glucose are processed as well. That can also lead to a backing up of the blood sugar into your bloodstream when the pancreas perceives this. It’s going to increase your insulin and that increased insulin is going to drive more that glucose into, not only though the muscles, but also the liver and this is known as insulin resistance. the muscles and the liver not taking up that glucose leads to higher insulin levels, and as a result, your body produces more insulin and that higher insulin causes your body to grow. you get more fat because insulin is anabolic hormone, and the cells will then respond with higher insulin levels, but it sort of creates a  feed-forward loop because then the increased adipose tissue can also further reduce the muscles ability to take up glucose through other signaling that. I'm not going to get into here, but that's kind of how that works.

Maybe you're asking alright, great, how do I reverse this. Well, the first thing you want to do and try and find out is if you actually are having problems with this and you can do that from a very simple test that. Almost everybody gets these are liver enzyme tests. Now, they're not always done comprehensively, but these are tests like alt ast eg GT, and sometimes just one of these will be high, sometimes all of them will be high. You need to look at those and then ask yourself, where are my exposures coming from. if even one of them is high, that could be contributing to your elevated blood sugar levels, and then you need to step back and ask, where could these toxins be coming from, what are the toxins, and that's going to help you narrow down what you should be doing to improve that, and your doctor should be able to work with you to try and narrow that down, and eliminate those toxins. That’s not the case you could take. There’s all kinds of different liver support out there. Milk thistle is one of the most like no one will get any side effects from this. I don't think there's any reported side effects ever from milk thistle. you

Just need to make sure you keep taking a good source of that milk thistle. The digestion is another big topic on thinking about natural treatments for diabetes and improving cellular function. The digestive tract can cause the same scenario as the toxins because your digestive tract can be in some cases a source for for some of the toxic burden and how to do if you have this. Well, this one's a little less straightforward, then the scenario for toxins, but if you have digestive symptoms, that would be a good indicator that you should try and correct that problem.