July 7, 2020
Pratik D. Bahute1, Santosh Kumar Bhatted



Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have
a negative effect on health. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnoea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis and depression. Obesity is leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing rates in adults and children. Ayurveda has a holistic approach for Sthoulya. As Sthoulya is mentioned under Santarpanjanya Vikara in Bahudoshavastha condition. Different Shodhana modalities have been mentioned like Vamana Karma. This is a single case study on effective management of Sthoulya. Treatment was planned as Deepana Pachana, Shodhanang Snehapana with Tila Taila and Vaman Karma with Madanphala Yoga. After completion of Panchakarma treatment patient found significant relief in sign and symptoms of Sthoulya and reduce a 8.4 kg of body weight. On the basis of result obtained it can be concluded that Ayurveda can used as effective treatment to reduce body weight and improve the quality of life in the patient of Sthoulya.

Key Words- Sthoulya, Obesity, Shodhanang Snehapana, Vamana Karma



The most common metric used for assessing groups of the prevalence of Obesity is the body mass index (BMI) scale. Its prevalence is on continuous rise in all age many of the developed countries in the world. Statistically data reveals that the problem of obesity has increased from 12- 20% in men and from 16- 25% in women over the last ten years. [1]

In general, obesity is associated with a greater risk of disability or premature death due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) such as hypertension, stroke and coronary heart diseases as well as gall bladder disease, certain cancers (endometrial, breast, prostate, colon) and non-fatal conditions including gout, respiratory conditions, gastro oesophageal reflex disease, osteoarthritis and infertility.

Obesity also carries serious complications for physiological health, mainly due to societal prejudice against fatness. A central distribution of body fat is associated with higher risk of morbidity and mortality than a more peripheral distribution. [2]

Sthoulya can be corelated with obesity in Ayurveda and It is one of the Santarpanjanya Vyadhi described by Acharya Charaka. [3]

Sthoulya and Medovruddhi is Kapha Pradhan Vyadhi. Vamana among Panchakarma is specially indicated for Santarpanjanya and Kapha Pradhan Vyadhi like Sthoulya. [4]



Grade -1 patient lost 8.4 kg weight in 19 days after classical Vamana Karma which shows significant decrement not only in weight but also sense of wellbeing and improve quality of life. Treatment of Panchakarma like Shodhanang Snehapana followed with Vamana Karma is the best way to manage obesity. Vamana Karma is a safe, effective and long lasting Ayurveda treatment for grade -1 obesity.