Dec 12, 2019

Dysglycaemia, a compromised ability to process sugar, affects tens of millions of Americans, is a major cause of accelerated aging and almost everyone over the age of 45 is gonna be dealing with some degree of it.  There are lots of ways to prevent dysglycaemia, including eating low carb and high fiber, going ketogenic and calorie restriction. 

Exercise plays a significant role in stabilizing blood sugar and there are wonderful nutritional supplements, including vitamins A, B1, B3 and the minerals chromium, zinc and magnesium, to name a few.  One of the most important dysglycaemia drivers is deficiencies in the anti-aging biochemical glutathione. 

Not only can lack of this critical molecule, known as the body's master detoxifier, lead to dysglycaemia and eventually diabetes, but, even worse, diabetes can cause deficiencies in glutathione, resulting in a vicious cycle of disease and deficiency. 

To break the cycle consider supplementing with glutathione building blocks, which can be found in high-protein foods and supplemental protein powders.  Also homemade bone broth, you can use cartilage capsules readily available in health food stores and on the web, which contain glutathione components.  Likewise, supplementing with glutamine, glycine, NAC and sulfur can support healthy glutathione production.

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