Glutathioneis an important endogenous anti-oxidant and detoxifier, involved in DNA synthesis and repair, metabolism of medications, toxins and carcinogens.

IV Glutathione is an effective detoxifier and aid for cell repair and in preventing chemotherapy toxicity. It is considered a safe treatment, as there are no known side effects or interactions with other drugs. In fact, IV glutathione is often used in conjunction with and often enhances other treatments.

Glutathione is essentially the body's master antioxidant and detoxifier. Produced in the liver, it is essential to many processes, including DNA syntheses and repair, immune response, reactivation of other antioxidants and metabolism of medications, toxins, radiation and carcinogens. Endogenous glutathione levels can be enhanced through diet (increased consumption of protein, garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables) and supplements ((N-acetyl-cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid and others), which provide the body with the building blocks needed for its production. However, for many with chronic illness this route is insufficient. IV administration significantly increase glutathione concentration in the body, quickly and effectively delivering it to target tissues. Supportive in the treatment of chronic illness in general, IV glutathione is particularly effective in neurodegenerative conditions, cancer, liver disease, immunosuppressive states and persistent infections.