Cigarette smoking is the greatest single cause of illness and premature death in the UK. Worldwide the number is far greater. Tobacco is killing around seven million people each year, while almost one million deaths are due to non-smokers being exposed to secondhand smoke.

Despite nearly 80,000 people in the UK dying from smoking-related illnesses each year, one in five adults are still regular smokers.

Though, it seems things are changing. 40 years ago, 51% of men and 41% of women were smokers. These rates have more than halved, with 15% of UK adults smoking, and 59% saying they have never smoked. 

Quitting smoking is a big challenge for a person to face, and they will often need more than just willpower. There are many options now available; from campaigns such as Stoptober and local support groups to medications. For many people, hypnotherapy is an effective solution.

The reason hypnosis works so well is easy to understand. Smoking, like all habits, is controlled by the unconscious part of the mind.

- Gavin Roberts, advanced hypno-psychotherapist.

Did you know? There are around 7.4 million adult smokers in the UK. While currently, nearly three million people in Great Britain use e-cigarettes.

When it comes to stopping smoking, it is important you know why you want to quit and are sure you are making the decision for yourself. Trying to quit when you’re not ready, or for reasons other than your own, can often lead to relapse and feeling like a failure. If you decide you want to quit and are committed to the decision, it’s more likely you’ll succeed

Smoking facts

- Two thirds (66%) of smokers have their first cigarette of the day within one hour of waking up.

- Nearly 50 per cent of all smokers die prematurely due to smoking-related diseases.

- The life expectancy of a smoker is about 10 years less than that of a non-smoker.

- In the UK, it is estimated only half of long-term smokers live past the age of 70.

- It is estimated that globally 890,000 deaths a year are caused by secondhand smoke.