Chronic pain is a complicated issue that can be hard to treat. Often, a variety of approaches are needed to help lessen pain, improve independence and help you cope with the emotional impact.

There are many causes of long-term pain, including conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. Concerns like this require medical intervention and a pain management treatment plan. For many, complementary approaches such as hypnotherapy form part of this plan.

Here we'll look at chronic pain management and in particular, how hypnosis for pain relief can help.

What is chronic pain?

There are two different types of pain - acute and chronic pain. Acute pain (also referred to as short-term pain) is usually a result of an accident or temporary illness. In this case, your doctor will make a diagnosis and suggest ways to manage the pain (for example, pain killers).

Chronic, or long-term pain is often more complicated. The pain may be a result of a medical condition, or there may not be any obvious cause. This doesn't mean the pain isn't real, it just makes treatment that much more complex.

If you are experiencing pain, you are always advised to see your doctor. They will be able to investigate further to find out what is causing it and how best to treat it. Some illnesses and conditions are well known for causing pain including the following:


Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation and stiffening of the joints. Depending on the severity, the pain can be mild or severe, making day-to-day life difficult.


Most people who develop cancer will experience pain at some point. This may be due to the tumours themselves, or the cancer treatment. Again, the degree of pain will be dependent on the individual circumstances.

Cluster headaches and migraines

Cluster headaches cause sudden, sharp pain in the head and can last anything from 15 minutes to three hours. As their name suggests, they tend to come in clusters, leaving the sufferer in a great deal of pain.

Migraines are a particularly painful form of headache that can cause vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. If you suffer from migraines regularly, your doctor may prescribe medication.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

This condition typically develops after an injury has been sustained. The pain following the injury is ongoing and tends to be disproportionate to the original injury.


This gynaecological condition occurs when cells like those found in the womb are found in other parts of the body. For some, the condition is painless. The majority however experience pelvic pain, severe period pain and pain during/after sex.


The cause of fibromyalgia is largely unknown. Its symptoms include widespread aches with muscles feeling stiff. Painkillers, physical therapy and relaxation therapies are normally advised.